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Trump vs Bernie
2020-02-26 at 10:26 PM UTC
2020-02-26 at 10:28 PM UTCFrelele wants Bernie to get in so she can get free glasses and hernia medication. Oy!
2020-02-26 at 10:29 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-02-26 at 10:30 PM UTC
2020-02-26 at 10:31 PM UTCBitch
Maybe -
2020-02-26 at 10:31 PM UTCWhen Bernie gets in maybe op can finally get some help and figure out why it burns when he pees.
2020-02-27 at 12:52 AM UTC
Originally posted by frala Studying law does not guarantee good lawmakers lol
Nothing guarnatees anything but someone who studied law and was a lawyer is going to be better suited to reading and writing and debating laws in a parliamentary setting than someone who never did a day in law school or set foot in a courtroom. -
2020-02-27 at 12:54 AM UTC
Originally posted by Cheyes Nothing guarnatees anything but someone who studied law and was a lawyer is going to be better suited to reading and writing and debating laws in a parliamentary setting than someone who never did a day in law school or set foot in a courtroom.
Well what about someone who just gets money for slapping a name on buildings? -
2020-02-27 at 1:08 AM UTC
Originally posted by Cheyes Nothing guarnatees anything but someone who studied law and was a lawyer is going to be better suited to reading and writing and debating laws in a parliamentary setting than someone who never did a day in law school or set foot in a courtroom.
Obviously there need to be some lawyers in government but not every single politician needs to be a lawyer. -
2020-02-27 at 1:09 AM UTC
Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Well what about someone who just gets money for slapping a name on buildings?
What a stupid arguement
It's like when my sister was getting shit from my parents for going to walk around at night in the middle of Bolivia alone saying she was gonna get beat up and robbed and raped and she was living in Memphis at the time and she was like
"Well, I can get raped and beat up and robbed in Memphis too, but I haven't!"
And I'm like.. yes, you CAN get beat up and raped in Memphis. Absolutely. And it also has nooooothing to do at all with how likely you are to get beat up and raped at night alone in Bolivia, which is exponentially higher. They have no relevance with each other, that's not a valid argument for why you won't get beat up in bolivia.
I didn't say shit about orange man or why he is isn't as qualified than a lawyer. Whether orange man is more or less qualified than a lwyer has noooothing to do with how qualified a lawayer is to write laws compared to a non-lawyer. That's such a stupid tactic the mainstream uses to argue when they have no meaningful thing to argue but feel they need to anyway; they change the topic to something utterly irrelevant that nobody was talking about like a 5th grader with ADHD who can't finish a discussion with someone before he starts another one once he starts to run out of meaningful rebuttals. -
2020-02-27 at 1:12 AM UTC
Originally posted by Fox Politicians don’t even READ the bills they sign
Lol this. Politicians are just representative of a squad of people. This includes their makeup artists, who are arguably among the most important people to get them votes. Also their speech writers, media representatives, advisers, wives, daughters, etc. A smart man relies on counsel.
Except for Justin Trudeau, pretty sure he's good at doing his own makeup. -
2020-02-27 at 1:13 AM UTC
Originally posted by Cheyes I didn't say shit about orange man or why he is isn't as qualified than a lawyer. Whether orange man is more or less qualified than a lwyer has noooothing to do with how qualified a lawayer is to write laws compared to a non-lawyer.
Ohhhhh so everybody but the President needs to be a lawyer?
Lol. Soooo thanks for arguing against yourself and agreeing with it being ok to have poli sci degree as Prez. -
2020-02-27 at 1:14 AM UTC
Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Well what about someone who just gets money for slapping a name on buildings?
And the reason Donald Trump is actually very much more qualified than most of the people he's running against is because he's been an iconic international businesman at the very highest level of global trade for 50+ years, and has more powerful and positive connections with world leaders than many of the people he's running against and for much longer.
He's also a piece of shit and kind of an idiot, but to say he has no experience working in international and global affairs is retarded.
Bloomberg and Biden are the only ones you can say that probably have more experience than him, although being the president for 4 years kind of automatically bumps you to the top of the list I think. I mean come on, the mayor of South Bend Indiana being experienced enough to be el presidente? That's moronic. -
2020-02-27 at 1:19 AM UTC
Originally posted by frala Ohhhhh so everybody but the President needs to be a lawyer?
Lol. Soooo thanks for arguing against yourself and agreeing with it being ok to have poli sci degree as Prez.
I didn't say that at all, I was saying that I made absolutely no mention of him despite being accused of saying something that I didn't. -
2020-02-27 at 1:21 AM UTCBut you do agree that he doesn’t need to be a lawyer.
Bernie has been in politics for 38 years and in Congress for what? 28?
You gonna be ok boomer junior. -
2020-02-27 at 1:24 AM UTC
Originally posted by frala But you do agree that he doesn’t need to be a lawyer.
Bernie has been in politics for 38 years and in Congress for what? 28?
You gonna be ok boomer junior.
I don't think he was especially qualified in 2016 with no political experience. I groaned when he became president, and I feel that several of his republican colleagues were much much much more qualified. That said, he was still an infinitely better candidate than Hilly. Everyone was.
However, now that has he has literally been president of the United States for 4 years, yes I do believe that is a higher credential than what Bernie Sanders has.
It is very hard to say you are more experienced at being president than the president when you haven't been president. That's why incumbents are almost always re-elected. -
2020-02-27 at 1:25 AM UTCWell I’m sure you’ll groan when Bernie gets elected and get used to his qualifications after his first 4 too.
2020-02-27 at 1:30 AM UTC
Originally posted by frala Well I’m sure you’ll groan when Bernie gets elected and get used to his qualifications after his first 4 too.
Lol. Russia is trying to get Bernie nommed because everyone knows he is the least likely to beat Trump. If he gets the nom Trump is going to win by a landslide, and it's not even gonna be close. He's honestly being very irresponsible by running because there's no chance he will not get creampied by the trump train.
You can't win as a socialist in the USA in 2020. That's schizophrenic. -
2020-02-27 at 1:43 AM UTC
2020-02-27 at 1:50 AM UTC
Originally posted by Cheyes Lol. Russia is trying to get Bernie nommed because everyone knows he is the least likely to beat Trump. If he gets the nom Trump is going to win by a landslide, and it's not even gonna be close. He's honestly being very irresponsible by running because there's no chance he will not get creampied by the trump train.
You can't win as a socialist in the USA in 2020. That's schizophrenic.
50% of people don't vote. Many people who consider themselves socialist or communist are part of that 50% who don't vote. Bernie may make them come out.
What I'm saying is elections are really unpredictable, mostly given how many people do not vote.