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Do you think the coronavirus will effect the US in any significant way?

  1. Corona-chan African Astronaut
    Wrong, non-Asians have been affected as well.
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Corona-chan Wrong, non-Asians have been affected as well.

    I hope the fake eurasians get it
  3. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Technologist My doc received a message from the CDC today.

    Forget the N95 masks. The virus is so small it gets in around the mask.

    I’m actually a teeny tiny bit worried. Trump is downplaying this. It’s worse than he is saying.

    I rarely worry about this shit, but I’m definitely somewhat concerned🙁

    He asked congress to re-purpose over 2 billion in funding to take measures and they said no. So....
  4. Corona-chan African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I hope the fake eurasians get it

    Why does me being part Asian offend you so much?
  5. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker He asked congress to re-purpose over 2 billion in funding to take measures and they said no. So….

    Speedy u need to calm down. There is always time for trolling 2moro.
  6. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by WellHung Speedy u need to calm down. There is always time for trolling 2moro.

    You need to fuck a cactus and not worry about what I do.
  7. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker He asked congress to re-purpose over 2 billion in funding to take measures and they said no. So….

    No they didn’t, they haven’t made a decision on it yet. But this is what they did say:

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a statement, "The President's request for coronavirus response funding is long overdue and completely inadequate to the scale of this emergency." She said the administration had left "critical positions" vacant for almost two years amid funding cuts.

    He has cut so much of our emergency response health agencies. We don’t even have an ambassador to the WHO. Looks like we got caught with our pants down.
  8. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by jesus enriquez you mean the bloated ones that the communists of the nigger mudslime administration filled with affirmative action hires.

    WHO doesnt need an ambassador, idiot.

    stfu. you have no clue about microbiology or disease vectors and the only thing you know about pants being down is its your favorite attire in your clients.

    Coming from an alt???

    Don’t make me laugh.

  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Technologist Coming from an alt???

    Don’t make me laugh.

    I thought you were leaving..
  10. Technologist victim of incest
    Where did I say that?

    You seem to keep imagining me saying things. You might wanna get that checked out ya know.
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Technologist Where did I say that?

    You seem to keep imagining me saying things. You might wanna get that checked out ya know.

    Im not going to pull it up for you, you tend ro talk out if your asshole alot which has been proven
  12. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Technologist No they didn’t, they haven’t made a decision on it yet. But this is what they did say:

    He has cut so much of our emergency response health agencies. We don’t even have an ambassador to the WHO. Looks like we got caught with our pants down.

    The WHO is a UN front
  13. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker The WHO is a UN front

    Of course it’s all a conspiracy!
  14. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Technologist Of course it’s all a conspiracy!

    If you only knew ... You really aren't stupid. You have just bought the lie your whole life. I am one of the fortunate few who always knew, even as a kid, that what they sold the people was a complete lie. I still remember what precipitated my awakening. It was during the Tet Offensive in 1968/ I was not quite six years old and we had just spent the weekend out of town at my Father's 1st cousin (we will call him Ronnie) funeral. He was a medic in Vietnam and was shot by a VC sniper while giving aid to a wounded soldier during the in February of that year during the Tet Offensive. I remember coming home and seeing Walter Cronkite on the news that evening reporting on the events that had been occuring in the aftermath of the Tet Offensive and hearing him talk about the "threat to America".

    Well just a few months before my Grandfather had bought me a globe for Christmas. I didn't know where Vietnam was but at that age and based on the way Walter was talking I figured it must be close. When I looked at the globe I saw it was almost a half a world away and that North Vietnam wasn't much bigger than Georgia. At that point I knew that could not be a threat to America. I didn't know why the man on the was lying but I knew he was. From that day I have looked at the world with a very critical eye in terms of what is published, who funded the it's publishing, and what their agenda my be.

    All media is a lie even FOX. But why? That is what you need to figure out. If you figure that out it is going to be difficult at your age to accept. For a five year old to admit they have been fooled their entire life it is no big deal. But at your age it can be almost impossible to swallow that many years of pride. I hope you figure it out some day. I really mean that.
  15. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Technologist My doc received a message from the CDC today.

    Forget the N95 masks. The virus is so small it gets in around the mask.

    I’m actually a teeny tiny bit worried. Trump is downplaying this. It’s worse than he is saying.

    I rarely worry about this shit, but I’m definitely somewhat concerned🙁

    Thats exactly what i was thinking when i bought the respirators instead of regular n95 masks. Even on the Diamond Princess, people on lockdown were getting sick in their own rooms. So stands to reason its probably transmissible through even smaller droplets than a sneeze or cough. Like just just normal breath.
  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Not if you start the fire during the day and burn it into the night.

    You can start the fire at night and "burn it" into the day too. Same thing.
  17. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL endless source of fire.

    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Not so. It ends every night.

    Originally posted by -SpectraL Not if you start the fire during the day and burn it into the night.

    It is not an "endless source". In fact it isn't even a source when you get right down to it. The sun is the source the magnifying glass is just a tool to collect the source. But it's ability to collect the source is not endless unless you can endlessly travel at 1000 mph.
  18. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Get a magnifying glass. It's an endless source of fire.

    This is how i got to day 500 in The Long Dark. Magnifying glass, melted snow, rabbit meat and wild mushrooms. Needless to say, im a survival expert now.
  19. Originally posted by Corona-chan China is building thousands of incinerators right now, they said they need to be able go burn over 30 million bodies a day … Let what I just said sink in for a moment …
    One Chinese guy said the Chinese government is lying about the numbers and that so far hundreds of thousands havr died.

    This is an extinction level event

    if china government lies, so can its citizens.
  20. Originally posted by Speedy Parker If you only knew … You really aren't stupid. You have just bought the lie your whole life. I am one of the fortunate few who always knew, even as a kid, that what they sold the people was a complete lie. I still remember what precipitated my awakening. It was during the Tet Offensive in 1968/ I was not quite six years old and we had just spent the weekend out of town at my Father's 1st cousin (we will call him Ronnie) funeral. He was a medic in Vietnam and was shot by a VC sniper while giving aid to a wounded soldier during the in February of that year during the Tet Offensive. I remember coming home and seeing Walter Cronkite on the news that evening reporting on the events that had been occuring in the aftermath of the Tet Offensive and hearing him talk about the "threat to America".

    Well just a few months before my Grandfather had bought me a globe for Christmas. I didn't know where Vietnam was but at that age and based on the way Walter was talking I figured it must be close. When I looked at the globe I saw it was almost a half a world away and that North Vietnam wasn't much bigger than Georgia. At that point I knew that could not be a threat to America. I didn't know why the man on the was lying but I knew he was. From that day I have looked at the world with a very critical eye in terms of what is published, who funded the it's publishing, and what their agenda my be.

    All media is a lie even FOX. But why? That is what you need to figure out. If you figure that out it is going to be difficult at your age to accept. For a five year old to admit they have been fooled their entire life it is no big deal. But at your age it can be almost impossible to swallow that many years of pride. I hope you figure it out some day. I really mean that.

    whoa. you knew that uncle samuel is lying at 6 and yet you still sign a blank check for him to cash any shit out of you in the name of "protecting" your "country".

    or were you in just to shoot the brownies.
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