When I scored tech with a hooker last summer we got a glass dick also and hit it in some residential alley.
The only problem was she hadn't slept in a week, her eyes went criss cross trying to light the bowl and she torched/burned it badly and there is still a dark stain from her.
So I got two clean pipes a while back and ive just been using one of them instead of my usual 2 pipe rotation because I like the carb of the new one. The only problem is I burned a bowl last night and now there is a horrible stain on 2/3 of my pieces.
So I'm gonna try to buy a butane lighter on the way home and use it to clean them up.
I was smoking the pipe sideways lastnight and it was sketchy/dangerous as fuck.
Also my stem has techdots innit wtf
I hate wasting dope.