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BradleyB93 Ultimate Original Guide To Stealing 2024

  1. #1
    Bradley Florida Man
    A Beginners Guide To Shoplifting
    By Bra

    Section 1: Planning And Preparation.

    Why Is Planning Important?

    Planning is one of, if not the most important aspect of lifting goods from any store that has employees present. Below are a few reasons why planning is important for lifting:

    - Good, thorough planning is, first and foremost, your best shot at being able to get in and out of a store with exactly what you came in for.

    - Good planning can make it easier for you to get away with lifting, and simultaneously harder for LP to bust you for it. For example, in certain jurisdictions you have to be witnessed lifting by LP in order for them to stop you. Knowing characteristics of the store you are hitting and of the employees that work there can greatly influence what you are able to lift and the constraints under which you do so.

    - Good planning can also ensure that you do not get into the bad habit of frequently engaging in bad habits. For example, many beginner lifters will, before pocketing an item, sharply look from left to right to make sure the "coast is clear". This move immediately will look suspicious to most LP, some of which have seen lifters telegraph this telltale sign that they are up to mischief. Properly planning and thinking about every aspect of a particular hit, in this case, may lead to you realizing how your actions in the store affect other people, which will affect your outcome.

    Planning Guidelines

    This section will be short, as this is a beginner's guide, and planning is first and foremost left to the discretion of the lifter. There is no 1 right way to lift, in order to be successful you must adapt your lifting procedures to suit the environment in which you are lifting. Below are a few questions you should ask yourself and think about long and hard before commencing any lick:

    - How will I achieve my goal?

    Many beginner lifters will go into a store not knowing exactly what they want, or where it is. Say a beginner lifter would like to practice by lifting a candy bar. The lifter should, in order to minimize the amount of time spent in the store, know exactly what candy bar they would like, exactly how many of them they would like, and how they are going to leave the store with it/them undetected.

    - What is the store's security/layout like?

    I am including these together, because considering a store's layout should always go hand-in-hand with analyzing the store's product placement, aisle setup, bathroom locations, etc. So, what does the optimal analysis of a store's layout look like? Well, it should essentially be a map of the entire store, including entrance/exit points, different areas/departments, and the location of goods you are interested in.

    - What are the employees like?

    Profiling not only the specific employees that work in areas and adjacent areas that you will be lifting from, but also the general workforce composition is of vital importance. This is especially true if you plan on store cycling/ lifting expensive items, like electronics. For example, If I intended on store cycling, and where to include a Walmart in this cycle, and where to analyze the workforce of a Walmart, and THEN found that the overwhelming majority of employees in the store between 10AM-6PM where not only white, but also middle-upper middle classed white men aged 18-21, Then there are 3 ways you can go about interpreting this scenario (depending on your own physical characteristics):

    1: You will either be able to relate to them better in the chance they do approach you (IE you fit the above characteristics to a T). Small talk can work wonders on suspicious employees, trust me.

    2: Be able to relate to them less if they approach you (IE you are an impoverished Indian man with a thick accent that the workers can not understand, while you can not understand their jargon), or:

    3: It doesn't effect you at all. This outcome will be unlikely in most stores that have more than a handful of employees. An example where this outcome would happen is if you lifted at a gas station that had 1 guy working the register who is nodding off from some Afghani Heroin.

    - Is this worth getting caught for given the risks I am taking?

    This question is often a difficult one for lifters to come to terms to. The specter of LP cracking down on you may seem like just that: a specter. Be wary that a few holdups with LP can cost you not only your lifting career, but potentially future opportunities to secure employment.

    For example, if you are an alcoholic going through withdrawls, and enter a gas station with no money to your name whatsover, it is likely well worth the risk to lift a 5th of jack and book it, given you might die if you don't.

    Lifting a 1$ candy bar from Target after you just got money for your birthday is likely not worth the risk, given Target's higher LP standards and the fact you can pay for the candybar, that is again, 1$.

    Scoping Out Potential Licks.

    As mentioned previously, analyzing the store that you will be hitting is essential to not getting caught. It allows you to hit the store at the least dangerous times, to avoid cameras and LP, and to get in and out as quickly as possible. my shortest lick is, although not timed exactly, likely at least sub-20 seconds. I knew exactly what I wanted, where it was in the store, and also saw the only employee on shift nodding off. Here are some tips and tricks for analyzing stores:

    What To Look For.

    - Store Layout. This is easily the most important thing to analyze when scoping out a store, if you value not getting jammed up that is. You need to get in and out of the store as quickly as possible, in a manner that does not raise the suspicion of LP. Raising the suspicion of other people is an important factor too...

    - Employee Layout. This is less important than store layout, and even less important then the next topic, but should still at least be considered when analyzing a store. In some cases it is the difference between immediately being kicked out and basically being able to walk around a store and grab whatever you desire. I'd suggest at least taking note of the workforce composition. If you have the time/need to note shift changes or which workers are inattentive (employee nametags help with this), then by all means please do. Caution is of the utmost importance when lifting.

    - Camera locations. Make sure to map these out along with the store layout. If they are not omnidirectional cameras, make sure to indicate their range of vision and whether they rotate or not on your map. You may have heard people in some places say, "store X has fake cameras". However, before you lift in front of one of these "fake" cameras, ask yourself this: If this camera is real, is the risk of me being captured on tape worth stealing this item/getting caught? In most cases it probably won't be.

    - LP. If you see LP standing at the doors, be cautious. If you see LP walking around the store floor, drop off everything you have and GTFO. Remember, LP's one and ONLY job is to catch lifters just like you. Some places even give incentives to LP that catch lifters. Target is one place that does this. Make sure to take not of their patrolling schedules and tendencies. If you can keep track of them while they stalk another lifter, do not intervene in an attempt to help out your fellow lifter. This will not only ruin your chance to take notes, (this is a great way to get info about the different LP procedures in different stores. Most stores have their own procedures concerning apprehending lifters.) but it will also out you to LP who, because of the incentive I mentioned earlier, just might remember your face.

    Some places do not have LP, like most gas stations and some mom and pop shops. The LP that does exist at these places usually consists of an employee/store manager sitting in the office watching cameras on their break or glancing at them intermittently, as they do not have the need or the money to hire dedicated LP. That is why it exists in Department stores, grocery stores (especially those that sell alcohol), and electronics stores. High customer throughput, high goods output.

    Section 2: Types Of Stores And Their Characteristics.

    In this section, I will cover the most common types of stores to lift from, and comment on characteristics that are common amongst all stores of said type.

    - Grocery Stores. Grocery stores often exclusively sell food, many also sell alcohol as well. Assume that any grocery/department store that sells alcohol has LP, because 9/10 times you will be right. You will often be able to quickly assess the layout of grocery stores, as the layout of grocery store sections is often similar between locations, and even across different companies.

    For example, in most grocery stores the produce section will consist of fruits and vegetables that are organized in display bins around the center of the section, placed in a way that creates aisles. Cold display shelves present packaged goods such as salads, drinks, sandwiches etc. and often form an "L" around the produce section, either lining the wall or on the opposite side of shelves in other adjacent departments. While non-perishables are presented at endcaps.

    The workforce at grocery store chains will often be primarily composed of teenagers/young adults ages 18-25. Management positions are often held by 25-40 year olds that are middle-upper middle class.

    - Department Stores. Department stores can be tricky to lift from, as seasonal goods often come and go at a greater frequency and volume than in other stores, which changes the store layout. Oftentimes department stores will have a dedicated seasonal section, where seasonal goods are kept year-round. Other times they don't. Department stores can also be challenging because of their size, and the LP's dedication.

    Department stores are enormous, often times 50000+ square feet. Some Walmarts and targets are 100000+ square feet. Many Department stores also have motivated LP and cameras scattered around the entire store. Obviously, there are more cameras in departments such as electronics, alcohol, and clothing than in the produce section, but most department stores have enough money and enough reason to put at least a few cameras in each department.

    A defining trait of department stores is that the store is split into several departments that are administered and worked by "teams" of employees. Oftentimes each department will have a department manager, a shift lead or 2, and entry level stockers/ product managers as well.

    LP often patrols/watches the entire store, but focus their attention on suspicious individuals in sections with expensive/commonly sold goods, such as a returning lifter in the wireless earbuds section. LP in department stores, like in grocery stores, often are motivated to catch lifters.

    The workforce of department stores is often times largely composed of 16-25 year old workers in entry level positions. In managerial positions will be 25-40 year old workers, and store managers are usually predominantly 30-60 white upper-middle class men. The most important part of workforce composition to remember for department stores is that different departments often have different demographics of workers. For example, clothing departments are often upkept by younger women, and managed by older women. Tech departments are predominantly worked by men 18-30. You should always scope out the workforce composition of a store for yourself, but over time you will notice trends in certain stores and in certain areas.

    - Electronics Stores. I almost didn't include Electronics stores in this guide, as they are not a safe target for any beginner to lift from. I figured I'd include it anyways, as some of those who read my warning will not heed it and attempt to lift from electronics stores anyways.

    Be wary of lifting from electronics stores. They often have fantastic security, outfitted with many cameras, metal detectors at entrance and exit points, and not only motivated, but highly competent LP.

    Electronics stores are, like department stores, divided into sections based on the type of good being sold in a particular section.

    Most goods worth lifting in electronics stores are either tagged, locked up, or both. I will discuss how to untag items in a future section.

    Bringing an accomplice or even 2 into an electronics store is highly recommended. I also recommend to not cycle electronics stores.

    The workforce composition of electronics stores is often composed of mostly men, ages 18-45. Managerial positions are, as usual, held by mostly men ages 25-60.

    - Gas Stations. Gas stations are probably the easiest type of store to lift from, and a great spot for beginners learning to lift small-medium sized items, including booze.

    Gas stations often have no dedicated LP, but managers and some employees will occasionally watch cameras for a while, or keep an eye on a suspicious customer. Overall, most gas station employees do not have the motivation or even get paid enough to try to catch a lifter. The only employees that will try are managers or overzealous self-righteous employees. Gas stations often do have cameras, especially at the registers, entrance/exit points, and by the alcohol section, but less so throughout the rest of the store.

    Gas stations will usually have a snacks section, with coolers filled with drinks and some snacks lining the walls. Gas stations also usually have a consistent or identical layout to other gas stations of the same brand.

    The work force composition of gas stations varies. It often consists of a wide range of people, and often have an almost even split between women and men. The race and income of gas station employees will depend more on the location of the gas station than any other type of store mentioned in this guide.

    All of the factors mentioned above make gas stations a perfect target for beginner lifters.

    Section 3: Dressing For The Job.

    How you present yourself to not only store employees, but also to other customers is important if you don't want to raise suspicion (which I'm guessing you don't). Below are some tips and tricks for dressing for a lick:

    - Dress inconspicuously.

    This one is pretty easy and will be an easier guideline to follow if you scope out the store beforehand. No Hoodies in July. If you are baby faced/ clearly under 21, don't wear a Jack Daniel's shirt. Keep your teeth clean, hair groomed, and make sure your clothes fit well. Perhaps you are in your late 20's/early 30's and in an upper-middle class area, I'm sure you can pull off a polo and jeans just fine without anyone batting an eye. The key to dressing to lift is to blend into your environment. I would not walk into a gas station around O-Block wearing a polo and jeans. You get the picture. This is one way that scoping out a location before lifting there is helpful. You can get a sense for what the average customer wears, and simply copy them.

    Dressing For The Job: Clothing Articles.

    Below are a few specific items of clothing that are suited for lifting:

    - Cargo Pants. Make sure not to wear these while lifting often, especially if store cycling. You can quickly become suspicious to LP. Cargo pants, obviously, allow you to hold many small items. I have stolen quite a few items using cargo pants, ranging from small electronics, to, 1 time, leaving a gas station with 5 crown and cokes in my pockets while the lady working the register was busy talking to an accomplice (will cover later). Make sure to wear a belt when lifting with cargo pants, as if the items you are lifting are heavy enough, they can cause your pants to sag.

    - Sweat pants. Sweat pants in the modern era are very common and should not arouse suspicion in most places. Make sure to use sweatpants with reliable drawstrings in order to keep your pants from sagging. Also, if you can find them, get sweatpants with zip-up pockets. Zipping up pockets may seem suspicious to LP, but if you can do it in a blind spot it prevents items from falling out. Sweat pants allow you to hold a few small items, usually in between 1-4. Keep in mind that the more to have on you, the more suspicious you will look, as sweatpants show an obvious bulge at the pockets when items are concealed in them.

    - Hoodie. A hoodie can be a fantastic way to lift small items, even 1 medium sized item. I have even smuggled an entire handle of Svedka out of a store using just the large single pocket located on the belly of a hoodie. Similar to sweatpants, the pocket will bulge more if you have more items in it. You can also conceal small items in the sleeves of your hoods, be careful to make sure that the item doesn't bulge out of the sleeve, or even worse, fall out entirely.

    - Coats. Coats are fantastic for lifting in cold seasons. If you can, get a coat with pockets lining the inside of the coat. Concealing items in these pockets can be the difference between getting caught and NOT. Bulky coats, such as leather coats are good for this job, as the bulk of the coat can conceal some of the potential bulging from an item in your pocket. This is mostly true for inner pockets, but can be true for outer pockets on dark colored winter coats. You can also, as mentioned above, conceal items in your sleeves. This method of lifting is best only used for scenarios where you are lifting 1-2 small items, and promptly exiting the store. 1 such scenario is if you are "using the bathroom" at a gas station and lift a Snicker's bar.

    - Beanies/Ball Caps. Hats of these sorts are better suited for smuggling, but can also be used for shoplifting. Although it is not a preferred clothing item to use for lifting (you will look very, VERY suspicious to bystanders, especially so to LP.), it can still be used in a pinch, or in order to expand the amount of small items you can lift in 1 run. In some niche situations this would be a good idea, but for Beginners, I would advise you to use hats to lift very sparingly.

    - Purse. Purses in the world of lifting are a double-edged sword. On one hand, you can conceal many items in a purse in a short period of time. on the other hand, even in the 2020's, the use of purses by men is still considered odd in most western cultures, and you will likely automatically be seen as suspicious if you are in a department store with a purse, especially so if you are a man, but even if you are a young woman (one of the most stolen goods in department stores is nail polish).

    If you can pull it off, go ahead. Purses can actually work quite well in gas stations, especially for lifting booze. I would not advise using them in department stores, let alone electronics stores.

    Section 4: Behave Yourself!

    This section will address the proper behaviors to practice while lifting, and also the behaviors that you should never practice while lifting.

    Proper Behaviors

    - Walk casually. Walking casually will help you blend in with customers and avoid suspicion, easy enough.

    - Appear like you are shopping. Making it look like you are at the store to purchase merchant
  2. #2
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    now ttransslte it to cuyhinese
  3. #3
    Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    You stole this guide from Fonaplats!!!!!!
  4. #4
    Crispy African Astronaut
    Yeah op u talk a lot, stop riding so much
  5. #5
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    由 KoF 提供
    第 1 部分:規劃與準備。
    - 首先也是最重要的是,良好、徹底的計劃是您能夠準確地進出商店的最佳方式。
    - 好的計畫可以讓你更容易擺脫舉重的束縛,同時也讓 LP 更難抓到你。例如,在某些司法管轄區,您必須在 LP 的見證下進行舉升,他們才能阻止您。了解您要去的商店以及在那裡工作的員工的特徵可以極大地影響您能夠舉起的東西以及您這樣做的限制。
    - 良好的計劃還可以確保您不會養成經常陷入壞習慣的壞習慣。例如,許多初學者舉重運動員在將物品放入袋中之前,會從左向右仔細觀察,以確保「海岸暢通無阻」。這一舉動立即會讓大多數舉重運動員感到可疑,其中一些已經看到舉重運動員發出了這樣的信號,表明他們正在搞惡作劇。在這種情況下,正確規劃和思考特定熱門產品的各個方面可能會讓您意識到您在商店中的行為如何影響其他人,從而影響您的結果。規劃指南
    本節很短,因為這是初學者指南,計劃首先由舉重者自行決定。沒有正確的舉重方法,為了成功,您必須調整舉重程序以適應舉重環境。在開始任何舔之前,您應該問自己並認真思考以下問題:- 我將如何實現我的目標?
    許多初學者舉重運動員走進商店時並不知道自己到底想要什麼,也不知道它在哪裡。假設一名舉重初學者想舉起一根棒棒糖來練習。為了盡量減少在商店裡花費的時間,舉重者應該確切地知道他們想要什麼糖果,到底想要多少糖果,以及他們如何帶著它/它們離開商店而不被發現。- 商店的安全/佈局如何?
    當然,您所做的佈局應該至少包含所有攝影機的位置及其在您將要提升的區域和相鄰區域中的視野。但是,如果您可以檢查整個商店而不引起懷疑,則最好這樣做,特別是如果您打算在商店騎自行車(稍後將介紹這一點)。- 員工是什麼樣的?
    不僅要分析在您將要離開的區域和鄰近區域工作的特定員工,而且要分析整體勞動力組成也至關重要。如果您打算在商店騎自行車/舉起電子產品等昂貴物品,則尤其如此。例如,如果我打算進行商店循環,以及在該循環中將沃爾瑪納入何處,以及在何處分析沃爾瑪的員工隊伍,然後發現上午 10 點至下午 6 點期間商店中的絕大多數員工不僅是白人,還有18-21 歲的中上階級中產階級白人男性,那麼你可以用3 種方式來解釋這個場景(取決於你自己的身體特徵):
    - 考慮到我所冒的風險,這值得被抓嗎? 對於舉重運動員來說,這個問題通常是一個很難接受的問題。 LP 的幽靈對你的鎮壓可能看起來就是這樣:一個幽靈。請注意,LP 的一些阻礙不僅會讓您失去舉重職業生涯,還會導致您未來可能失去就業機會。
    考慮到 Target 更高的 LP 標準以及您可以支付 1 美元的糖果的事實,在您剛剛收到生日禮物後從 Target 購買 1 美元的糖果可能不值得冒險。確定潛在的舔舐範圍。
    如前所述,分析您將要去的商店對於不被抓住至關重要。它可以讓您在最不危險的時間進入商店,避開相機和LP,並儘快進出。我的最短舔雖然時間不準確,但可能至少不到 20 秒。我清楚地知道我想要什麼,它在商店的什麼地方,而且我還看到唯一的值班員工在打瞌睡。以下是分析商店的一些提示和技巧:尋找什麼。
    - 商店佈局。如果您不希望被擠滿,那麼這無疑是在確定商店範圍時需要分析的最重要的事情。您需要盡快進出商店,且方式不能引起 LP 的懷疑。引起其他人的懷疑也是一個重要因素...- 員工佈局。這不如商店佈局重要,甚至不如下一個主題重要,但至少在分析商店時仍應考慮。在某些情況下,這就是立即被趕出去和基本上能夠在商店裡走動並買到任何你想要的東西之間的區別。我建議至少注意一下勞動力的組成。如果您有時間/需要記錄輪班變更或哪些工人不專心(員工名牌有助於此),請務必這樣做。起重時,小心至關重要。
    - 相機位置。確保將這些與商店佈局一起繪製出來。如果它們不是全向攝影機,請確保在地圖上標明它們的視野範圍以及它們是否旋轉。你可能聽過有些地方的人說「X店有假攝影機」。然而,在你站在這些「假」攝影機前,問問自己:如果這台攝影機是真的,我冒著被錄下來的風險值得偷這個東西/被抓嗎?大多數情況下可能不會。
    - LP。如果你看到 LP 站在門口,請小心。如果你看到 LP 在商店裡走來走去,請放下你所有的東西和 GTFO。請記住,LP 的一項也是唯一的工作就是抓住像您一樣的舉重運動員。有的地方甚至對接住舉重運動員的LP給予獎勵。 Target 就是一個可以做到這一點的地方。確保不要考慮他們的巡邏時間表和傾向。如果您可以在他們跟踪另一位舉重運動員時跟踪他們,請不要幹預並試圖幫助您的舉重同伴。這不僅會破壞你做筆記的機會(這是獲取不同商店不同 LP 程序信息的好方法。大多數商店都有自己的有關逮捕舉重者的程序。)而且還會向 LP 透露誰,因為我之前提到的激勵,才可能記得你的臉。
    有些地方沒有LP,例如大多數加油站和一些夫妻店。這些地方確實存在的 LP 通常由一名員工/商店經理組成,他們坐在辦公室裡,在休息時觀看攝影機或間歇性地掃視它們,因為他們沒有必要或沒有錢聘請專門的 LP。這就是為什麼它存在於百貨公司、雜貨店(尤其是那些賣酒的商店)和電子商店中。客流量高,貨品產出高。
    第 2 部分:商店類型及其特徵。在本節中,我將介紹最常見的商店類型,並對所有所述類型商店的共同特徵進行評論。
    - 雜貨店。雜貨店通常只出售食品,許多也出售酒類。假設任何賣酒的雜貨店/百貨商店都有 LP,因為 9/10 的情況下你是對的。您通常能夠快速評估雜貨店的佈局,因為雜貨店部分的佈局在不同地點甚至不同公司之間通常是相似的。
    連鎖雜貨店的勞動力通常主要由 18-25 歲的青少年/年輕人組成。管理職通常由25-40歲的中上中產階級擔任。
    - 百貨公司。百貨公司可能很難提貨,因為季節性商品的進出頻率和數量往往比其他商店更高,這會改變商店的佈局。百貨公司通常會設有專門的季節性區域,全年存放季節性商品。其他時候則不然。百貨公司也因其規模和 LP 的奉獻精神而具有挑戰性。
    百貨公司規模龐大,通常超過 50000 平方英尺。一些沃爾瑪和目標店面積超過 100000 平方英尺。許多百貨公司也把LP和相機散佈在整個店內。顯然,電子、酒類、服裝等部門的攝影機數量比農產品部門多,但大多數百貨公司有足夠的資金和足夠的理由在每個部門放置至少幾台攝影機。
    LP 經常巡邏/監視整個商店,但將注意力集中在昂貴/常用商品區域的可疑人員,例如無線耳機區域的返回升降器。百貨公司的 LP 和雜貨店一樣,通常都有動力去抓住舉重者。
    百貨公司的勞動力通常主要由 16 至 25 歲的初級職位工人組成。擔任管理職位的將是25-40歲的工人,商店經理通常主要是30-60歲的白人中上階級男性。對於百貨公司來說,要記住的勞動力組成中最重要的部分是,不同的部門通常有不同的員工人口統計。例如,服裝部門通常由年輕女性打理,並由年長女性管理。技術部門主要由 18-30 歲的男性工作。您應該始終親自了解商店的勞動力組成,但隨著時間的推移,您會注意到某些商店和某些區域的趨勢。
    - 電子產品商店。我幾乎沒有在本指南中包括電子商店,因為它們對於任何初學者來說都不是一個安全的目標。我想無論如何我都會把它包括在內,因為一些閱讀我的警告的人不會注意到它並試圖從電子商店中取出。
    電子產品商店的勞動力結構通常以男性為主,年齡介於 18 至 45 歲之間。與往常一樣,管理職位大多由 25-60 歲的男性擔任。
    - 加油站。加油站可能是最容易提起的商店類型,也是初學者學習提起中小型物品(包括酒)的好地方。
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