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The Swiss Economy's Eerie Trend Towards De-Diversification And Greater Reliance On Natural Resources.

  1. #1
    Kingoftoes Houston
    The following data is from the OEC.

    1995 - 11.4% of exports is precious stones, metals, and pearls. 5.68% of this is unwrought gold. Nominal total export value - 91.7B USD.

    8.97% of Swiss imports is Precious stones, metals, and pearls. 3.05% of this is unwrought (raw) gold.

    2022 - 29.7% of exports is precious stones, metals, and pearls. 22.7% of these exports is unwrought gold. Nominal total export value - 402B USD.

    31.5% of Swiss imports is precious stones, metals and pearls. 24.3% of the 31.5% is unwrought (raw) gold.

    The trend towards greater reliance on precious stones and metals is quite odd to see in a nation that traditionally is a highly industrialized and developed area.

    These trends seemingly indicate an increasing reliance on Swiss neutrality to keep them a reliable middleman for the transport of unwrought gold.
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
    OP had sexual relations with a Subway sandwich yesterday and wanted a footlong today.
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