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  1. #1
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    I was sitting on a table outsid eon the main street downtown here in lodz near the pub where me and star trek hung out at… and guess what at one point two girls around 16 walked by one kept turning her head and the other one than I saw them dialing a number like i knew guys i knew theyre trying to get me jumped. i havent commited any crimes so the only thing i can think of is i hit on one of them or tlaked shit back after they tlaked shit to me simply for being an older guy despite them bwing voer the age of consent and they maaad… they be mad guys. i was thinking of confronting them going to them brekaing their phone etc but i just ignored them and waited as i had a pint glass i could smash on someones head like I did to kevin markley after he atatcke dme. But the thing was that a massive rain drop hit and no one showed up i ende dup going home. Maybe im paranoid but i really saw two head sor one later looking at me with a phone on her and sort of wlaking around still turning to look at me like im some fucking cirminal for saying hello to barely legals or some shit. if they got an issue wiht it why not change the alws to 18 like in the usa age of consent? again why cant anyone explain why they have no issue in ldoz selling drugs to 13 yr olds but sex is so bad unlike in russia?
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