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I upset this old man by pointing out the truth.

  1. #1
    Bradley Florida Man
    Folks he's 80 years old and told me has a lot more wisdom and experience than I do.

    And I said "Yeah bro, I'm old now and you were already old when I was born."

    And he said what do you mean by that.

    I said bro 30 is old, I'm old. People didn't live to 35 very often 500 years ago. Old as shit. YOu were 50 when I was born. THat's fucking really old. Now I'm old so you're really really old. So yeah like of course you have a lot of wisdom and experience you had a job when Kennedy was assassinated, then I chuckled.

    He said "You really think I'm old?" I said how old are you? He said "yeah I'm turning 83 this year. :C"

    He's partially blind and we're friends. I cook for him and help him send text messages and read off his mail to him. but he needs to understand this is the blind leading the blind!!!! We're fucked!!! And yeah he is old as shit.
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