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Why would this guy do that

  1. #1
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    the Ukrianian guy who is a friend of mine in a way the same guy i beat up like i made a thread about it like a month ago we are back like hanging out or on tlaking terms today is aw him as i was walking in the little park area bradley and star trek know where exactly anyway (satr trek was actually there at night btw) anyway i see him we tlak i get a cheap beer later he runs into a guy with some drugs on him they do it i join sort of late and they alreayd hit it plus i dont know this guy but anyway later im about to leave and he gives me a beer some dude boguht beers and a better quality beer than the cheap shit i boguht so the dude seems alright but get this i have 20 zloty on my account and he ends ups aying this guy cna hook us upw iuth that ammount or for fiv ebucks he comes back with a small rock and he ends up bringing like two other guys so i split it in four abrely got much out of it but anyway its 5 bucks right and at end he hands me some crystal small one to take with me and i figure oh this guy is cool he had some more and shared it. i go home and its fucking glass or a rock from the ground like earth. why the fuck would he do that give me a real beer talk to me and even give tha thsit to me that glass whwen i was prepared to jsut break whatever i had not expecting anything else why give me shit?
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
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