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Alarm as German climate activists charged with ‘forming a criminal organisation’
2024-06-11 at 5:58 PM UTCAlarm as German climate activists charged with ‘forming a criminal organisation’
“This charge is especially dangerous for democracy and the right to peaceful protest because the charge turns the constitutional right of protest, freedom of speech and political assembly into a crime simply because some laws were broken in course of civil disobedient protest.
“This charge is meant for mafia and organised crime. This charge criminalises every act of support towards the group Letzte Generation. This creates an immense chilling effect on all climate protests in Germany.” -
2024-06-11 at 6:14 PM UTC*goat laugh* 🐐
2024-06-11 at 6:16 PM UTC
“Delegitimising and intimidating unpopular protest using criminal law is contrary to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly, as enshrined in human rights and the German constitution.
2024-06-11 at 6:38 PM UTCW rzeczywistości istnieje wiele grup zafascynowanych 'radykalną akcją klimatyczną', które kończą na niczym innym jak tylko popełnianiu drobnych przestępstw, takich jak wandalizm i niszczenie mienia. Grupa, która istnieje po to, by popełniać przestępstwa, powinna być ścigana zgodnie z prawem. Określanie waszego zachowania przestępczego jako 'czynu protestu' nie powinno zapewniać wam ochrony.
2024-06-11 at 7:43 PM UTC
Criminalisation of environmental protestors has become a global phenomenon, and is now the most common tactic used to silence and discredit defenders.
“At its core it’s about maintaining the power structures in place. This is true regardless of whether it’s a dictatorship, democracy or a corrupt narco state, and regardless of the state’s professed commitment to human rights, protecting the environment and combating climate change,” -
2024-06-11 at 7:58 PM UTC
2024-06-11 at 10:05 PM UTCgud
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