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Poll: Do you think Wariat/Warcry is a good member of our community who posts things you like reading?
- Yes, I enjoy reading about teenagers having sex with old men and being fucked by dogs.
- No.
Do you like Wariat/Warcry? (Poll)
2024-05-17 at 7:14 PM UTCFolks do you miss him? Do you miss hearing about teenagers in Poland? Who will bring up Grandpa Maceij's sexual exploits now? Do you miss discussing how hot girls being fucked by dogs is?
Do you miss Wariat and the above generalization of his style of posting? Do you imagine what it will be like if he doesn't return?
Just imagine fuys, no pedophile discussion, no bestiality, no hearing about Polish people. Are you okay with that? -
2024-05-17 at 7:37 PM UTCpolasne