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Abilities Expo 2024 (Chicago)

  1. #1
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]

    It's in June. I'm hoping to finally go this year. Anyone else wanna go?
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
    Do they have a thing for blind people? I can still see kinda good so I'm thinking I'll just dominate these motherfuckers at basketball, baseball, volleyball, pretty much anything with a ball.
  3. #3
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Originally posted by Bradley Do they have a thing for blind people? I can still see kinda good so I'm thinking I'll just dominate these motherfuckers at basketball, baseball, volleyball, pretty much anything with a ball.

    And tonight we bring you a developing story...
  4. #4
    Bradley Florida Man
    I wonder what Olympic sports exist for blind people? How blind do you gotta be to be blind? I feel like if I could still see a lil bit I could just whomp these fuckers at things involving balls, fist fighting, probably wouldn't be any better at like running, swimming, weight lifting, wrestling but I could definitely be better than them at like archery, pool, etc.
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