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I'm not listening to that

  1. #1
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]

    Some1 give me tl;dr
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
    agreed, i am not watching 1 drug addict talk to himself when i have the same addict posting on this website
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    LIterally use fucking AI youtube thing that summarizes it, theres like 100 for chrome browsersmab dumbfucks I don't care , i'm deleting the channel anyways fuck totse, community needs t obe actiely sabotaged like DH, i'm taking both down! everyone go to new totse or intosanc this place is full of LOSERS!

    maybe if you did more LIKE READ ANYTHING REMEMEBER TOTSE TEXT FILES ???instead of bitch ,moan and cry you wouldn't have these gay problems like MYY WRIST HURTS or ITS TOO LONG

    -$- This is the latest File List for:
    ! .
    /_\ /-o-\ & the Temple of the Screaming Electron
    (o..) | * Walnut Creek, California
    + |:| /^\ /~\
    ! |:|/\ _| |____|:| 38.4K-300 baud USR DS 510/935-5845
    /^\ / O |/...\ /_-_\ Jeff Hunter, Sysop
    |@ \_| @ /:::::|/|- : -| \
    | | | /~ |/| _ | - - - - - - - - - *
    |____|/~ @ /~\ |/|_(_)_| Aaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! /

    Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives,
    arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality,
    insane speculation, and wild rumours.

    Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are,
    where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother.

    "Raw Data for Raw Nerves"
    you sound like my ex trying to jerk off my mammoth tusk COCK, FAGGOTS. GET TUFF

    Originally posted by King of Nonces
  4. #4
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by That forum guy that helps you understand sarcasm and we're back to cooking oh yeah good I will still destroy my computer if I open my freezer it's just excellent a lot of tomatoes what a high-quality production here alright so part two of this double feature a panic okay so Pema kata is my cab so the week traditionally described it to people it's like it's Italian you always say it's kind of missing next you
    (01:07) say it's an Italian cream Gela like gently kind of thing I have some it's actually really good so good the devil Olympic dessert kind of things so got some raspberries and I make it with raspberries you just get like a dessert thing I'm gonna try to work but I bought this bottle of limoncello like a while ago I need to find something I'm going to do with it and while I'm on Italian [ __ ] I might as well give it a go because I sure as [ __ ] can not find they cocktail with [ __ ] on each one that
    (01:53) does not taste like ass so we're gonna try and repair with Lu - to fix this situation because it sucks it's how it sounds like amazing thank you so so kind of comment primary objective with the recipes and if we can work all the better [Music] this is like doing two things at once which is a lot more things than I usually do once they probably - one things they usually do it one successful so you know be prepared for failure yeah good good good so great a lot of confidence [Music] [Music]
    (03:32) [Music] so I have not made this recipe a long time so I'm going to be consulting the [Music] recipe a lot just as a heads up just I'm not going to provide but fertilizations this one you can take her with the sugar level so make it from like a semi-sweet to a sweet dessert but even on sweet we don't want to do that but other than that really sorry very much stick to the recipe got my taste oh yeah those are the kind of two parameters you can you can take it with
    (04:36) on this thing salt sugar and we're gonna sprinkle some gelatin now I'm committed to making something more than a single batch but have a court my question now is how many cups doing it you know just because I look I'm going to google it for for [ __ ] I cannot make or I can stretch it make a 1.
    (05:40) 5 but it's good some point 3 what am i doing [ __ ] number to calculate to 1.3 batch okay look it we're doing it live pretty batch so I'm supposed to have one cup of cold milk I don't usually have a whole milk cuz like whatever I'm a business be it piece of [ __ ] then looking forward to drinking just milk a cow milk its whole countenance arts fattening but that's good looking for it okay so what another it's the first thing you do here per the recipe and this is just [ __ ] magic to me I do not understand you take the milk
    (06:32) you put it in your [ __ ] container and then you sprinkle the gelatin over the milk what in God's green earth does this do I don't know just you know but you know received critical velocity since to do it like I said I'm not trying to tinker around with Chesapeake after here so I'm just going to do it and have faith my recipe offering go forwards that is gonna work yeah remember kids eyeballing this Diabolique don't do this at home this may really make the suit step 1 journey to self-destruction you know
    (07:32) what I have like these little glasses it's like a [ __ ] useless it's like not enough to have rigid tonic like that making gin tonics and I'm like not drink but I'm gonna drink my milk in this class because I have this man across to nice glass but it's small so I'm gonna once in my miserable life to drink this milk oh right glass look Empire solutions Cheers okay so I track down my gelatin I look like the gelatin box it's the gelatin box that's been like this since my [ __ ] grandmother was
    (08:24) making her first [ __ ] recipes like a plastic I can't change they can leverage I won't literally ever buy jolt if they change the [ __ ] gelatin X given Y ground nuts to stirred okay so these things coming in below see that's that's it has to their cute little tiny quality I think they're a tablespoon each it doesn't tell Wow great job look at give it is they perforated the box so you can like poured out they're coming on balls I'll get it serving size quarter doesn't help me how
    (09:21) much is in there - me a unit announces you know what I'm gonna measure my own cut get that bloke cuz this useless but tablespoon alright so one point three tablespoons it's not gonna be hard to measure it all I can just see it now super easy so that's like a little less than that tables oh [ __ ] I just push the spring clip yeah flip the police we want to go up from like 1.
    (10:06) 3 - a little bit more it's going to make it a little more gelatinous I'm surprisingly so okay he is so experienced so says let it sit so you can actually take a look
    (11:10) at this is kind of cool actually I can't afford to show you to show that but like this club that texture forming on the top I'm just supposed to like this like three minutes or something he's gonna say something this video comes with the recipe you're gonna look at me I'm dealing so the alumnus test here for witness this stupid thing done really thick compare the thickness direction potato think I like jiggle a breeze there's a little resistance there I think about it it's almost there
    (12:17) we're gonna use like a little more time but it kind of stupid things doesn't City I really hope longer look totally yeah totally not a long time since the potatoes are now good close to them I can throw it in the ground pants and buy ground nuts and peanuts this is a Liberian dish and we said round up some Liberia maybe shine like the bin to Liberia let me say ground that's right add the ground that's because you know I'm like [ __ ] bag sack fat sack of peanuts look [ __ ] drug dealer sense cuz
    (13:17) whatever like it's cheaper if you don't buy it in a package so you buy it like this is it don't matter peanuts just pretty good it is there is a PE saturation point you can hit it you're like correct okay I need this thing broken pretty soon see proto just cut my losses and cut it I'm never going to be sore after and that's why I hesitate there's the time indicator there's some chop it and now still s
    (14:46) peanuts but such is the price this thing bit me I'm gonna use it measure that they stop [ __ ] gutsy I am eyeball mr. bone don't check kids really the road to addiction and death don't follow me down I bomb if I go on tell your friends we're just gonna skip this [ __ ] grass and they live until tomorrow I'm just a 9mm fiction like it's weird to say ground them to sit at peanuts yeah [ __ ] Liberia freed slave I'm [ __ ] idea by God she was younger like one I used to think like yeah like
    (15:40) be right what a cool [ __ ] idea like these people who were discriminated against or whatever just give them their own place like feed them then it's just gonna be successful in prisons and obviously all people are the same they're gonna dust recession because they're you know they got they got again my cultural context for Liberia is like really buy me holy stein and then GT is [ __ ] dark deserts issues with racism and Liberia Simenson freed slaves company that's a bit till I've been told
    (16:37) I don't know told us and there's like racial tensions but in my very hot and I just you know never walk out and I hoped as a child you know that was a solution I just [ __ ] go you're free go do it do it do your thing show us but it didn't work out it's I guess stairs I can't go beyond [Music] record having a way to express this it doesn't make me sound like a douchebag [ __ ] topical Liberia I wanted to talk to panna cotta that's been same thing that's good I need to do something else
    (17:30) now and consulting their speed if they're out what exactly that is [Music] okay so now I think the gelatin mixture maybe you can see on the surface of time [Music] I'm gonna add almond cream some salt and
    (18:47) sugar honey those were the ingredients so let's just pull those things out now because it's gonna be a big deal later so the things I send for sugar salt do I have yes I have there Oh or chopping so much room this was pretty dope man you know has
    (20:43) mentioned cilantro is actually really important this recipe they just cut through the room there's nothing just like cut off like ahead of the [ __ ] or something I think look and just guns whatever it don't cut no context here so much cilantro hey look at festival care where they order to go with the cilantro is the good thing I mean I was probably kind of just [ __ ] my cilantro and everyone walks out cuz cilantro is the magical [ __ ] Rhythm Boys with perks oh oh it's always great fully its business
    (21:36) Thank You cilantro Thank You basis Oh me me starts again but still someone says thank you base that I've been like plus Australia it's like that thing where you hold down the one side of the plate like working off topic so much fun you feel like I like a [ __ ] potion approach you know like some young thing is gonna come up in this hood yo son say teach me your chopping techniques and you're gonna be on like you know you're gonna be sundari of it you know I'm not teach them at first until like they prove
    (22:36) they're dedicated to that the path of the chopping technique which you all are you and only you know [Music] take off really we're the most badass person because master hello I guess they have to you know I was like part of a part of the hero it's like you sure that's your master that stuff you for priplanus I really hope that hasn't popped there in the letter waiting test
    (23:39) if it does like straight-up pissed I'm okay with you I didn't check the potatoes Santa I'll take it on faith okay so we have a little like a few seconds left on the tire for the panna cotta Flex is telling me I'm working up an eight and a half hours but I don't believe in jibt not believe bucks lies don't know why fluxes transit waiver what is it just a song you like it's but then 11:29 why can't it just be like that's what time it is [ __ ] what does it have to try and [ __ ] tell me what
    (24:30) I'm looking up like [ __ ] you don't control me okay Tom new routine done Panna cottas no artificial ingredients I think it is cream milk sugar salt cream sugar salt honey second one that's right okay so my cream goes in first and then I'm continuing to pretend like I do not see the goddamn cilantro in continue to act like that's acceptable okay so that's in sugar salt honey good
    (25:50) okay so some of things don't like 1/3 plus 1/3 whatever it is they're denying rocket yeah I bones down on honey I'm honey eyeballs day one so what you're gonna measure this [ __ ] thank you hot body little sugar however it says attachment so I'm gonna die all the [ __ ] [ __ ] way of interacting that's for like two-thirds a bucket of sugar a little bit actually like it with not [ __ ] sugar like sugar like kinda like a Negroni right for like the first time experience you probably want to
    (26:48) appeal to like if you don't know what to expect from this recipe a sweet recipe is going to be more hearing in a sweeter so yeah that's for other people sugar content somewhat [Music] [Music] or our group straight probably incredibly so you know this is so tedious I'm thinking I'm gonna just say
    (28:05) click the recipe and like slightly more sugar again and screw that go one third that I'm supposed to be happy to make the 1/3 1/3 version of this recipe break okay okay for a minute audience of all I need you to entirely sanitary practices here again this is a baby cook just like it's gonna pull them like so I'm gonna pretend like that 100% mitigates a Negresco back to be introduced this juncture here what you do pretty good by the way looks
    (29:18) like raw honey from that raw probably some process but who cares it's honey is good sugar yeah recipe says like a pinch of salt so [ __ ] whatever markets pinch walling is inch poly still rolling with it just still freight no [ __ ] recycling would have cutting edge and mortality but you will have that sensation and it's probably not right stick through your nose stick to the recipe one system that cilantro
    (30:22) it knows okay so what by row excitement do ya do you get listen you know that's what I should call us and say like cooking comrade lighting good [ __ ] and again cooking cooking with DVF [ __ ] cooking trying to think of a title the the decaf that would be like a [ __ ] don't know style because their capture the spirit this like [ __ ] kinda heart but I'm not a cute lesbian that I kind of [Music] she's [Music] okay okay here's here's my favorite part
    (31:28) of this recipe it's like so after after you're done come bring this stuff by the way at this juncture you probably want to bump the heat of the world I don't like your actually want to open whatever reaction I had good comedy like I never have to if you're here you may wanna watch do like almost an hour just push it so you're gonna know that good company by almost had good company [Music]
    (32:38) okay I favorite part of this recipe is that it sounds like once you're done with the whole thing right we're gonna have this mixer it's something pretty look week yeah it actually doesn't turn foods [ __ ] disgusting sounding but delicious cream jello format until it's chilled afterwards so just a little bit it's gonna have this [ __ ] puddle liquid and then it says pour it into six wine glasses or something for like a white lies an beta it's a number one glasses and like I read that and I'm
    (33:16) like [ __ ] six wine glasses [ __ ] I have one one glass want to see my mind less my want less isn't even a [ __ ] wine glass it's a [ __ ] thing that they gave me to drink expensive beer I like good you think you're dealing with you like that you know do you know what would your in I ain't got six watch glasses anyway very much further than us tell me differences okay it's a stew let's do i induced sufficient degree of fanfare when it happened but this have been done I added the nos I of the
    (34:07) cilantro is done I'm gonna eat some of this [ __ ] stew oh man it's gonna be good watch out okay now my favorite single purpose kitchen utensil that I own is this thing I'm probably like Brenda show myself reaching up my stove to get is this ladle ladle it's like exactly that's like what you thought the label was when you learned about in school and this is it let me use this label it has this uh specific auspicious but this off switch it's the sauce on this auspicious occasion I will make you smile Adel I
    (35:16) choose to imagine happy about this like it's up there for me you know maybe a month at a time between using it but right now today it's getting the opportunity tonight okay do it made for you know it's amazing [ __ ] beauty of nature it's not okay so the timer went off on panic but I'm still not entirely convinced type of light side so I'm just gonna like I'm pretty much just gonna run it till it boils in a little bit but yeah I get some bubbles look like probably making a mistake right now
    (36:21) yeah attractive version Hannah hurt [Music] maybe there's like some gay guy who's really into like um like an unattractive straight guys really can vigorously gain and that guy took that guys that like 30 more effectively [Music] okay okay wait all right [Music]
    (37:44) you know it's not okay so first reactions I heard one by another monstrosity it's spicy I'm happy my god it's a good for me oh it may not be a good one for others it was ended up being for astronomy peppers
    (38:51) - a double batch recipe it's summer here here just gonna know it wasn't a great anyway despite previous claims that it was like looking a little thicker early on it actually like just below the average France mom turn the thickness which one think what's it why are you it's not like it's wandering but viscosity is somewhat lower than okay I don't want your [ __ ] until you compete so I match the viscosity that whatever
    (40:03) it's not video presentation the dishes supposed to be good end of this Johnny hey my old yeah recently cilantro flavored kind of fun it still has not very boiled I want to talk the heat again but I'm also gonna want like a bowl recipe where I made them that have a point that head is cilantro but whatever I'll wait it out [Music] my manicotti to see does that taste testing what you taste your food sure nothing to do with what's been kissed
    (41:07) like then the sodium I won't even [ __ ] turn back in amendments to the ground nuts not because they're not the ground that's Apple Crunch they're the one tetra- thing I like it is probably not gonna take this punch right you know 12 hours [Music] I am still looking for the media circuit my dad was nice but the addition of the pension insurance so you know thought about weakness ditional we were like you know what's up tell my sir so that they
    (42:15) retain this crunchy factor but I felt like there's a key to flavor absorption out of the Stewart self into the ground that's at the time that you like during cooking so if you they don't have a flavor it's to a name like the crunchiness makes this thing a bit but they sound out true much they don't last forever so I'm just saying that's not a production and you and according to having with this [Music] [Music] I'm gonna sing right
    I [ __ ] don't make a [ __ ] decision here they're just gonna settle and my fault things in bebop Rocha okay if you make this recipe at home when you finish cooking this [ __ ] put it into the thing you're good do not let it sit here it sounds [ __ ] turns into a solid I don't like what I really like is Jill and it doesn't knock [Music]


    Originally posted by That forum guy that helps you understand sarcasm Comrade Lanny's Revolutionary Panna Cotta


    1 cup of whole milk (or substitute with your preferred milk)
    1.3 tablespoons of gelatin
    1/4 cup of almond cream
    Pinch of salt
    Sugar or honey (adjust to desired sweetness)
    Raspberries (for garnish)


    In a bowl, sprinkle the gelatin over the milk and let it sit for a few minutes to bloom.
    In a saucepan, gently warm the almond cream, salt, and sugar or honey, stirring unt
  5. #5
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    use AI to summarize

    Originally posted by scuffed jim carrey my script which I used AI to generate a skeleton and I filled in the rest with tropics

    good format IMHO but I can do better with clips and video and stuff, stay tuned folx ya boy ain't a coward and cuck like some in this SO CALLED COMMUNITY

    sxcckeript bwloqwqww

    Introduction *breakingbad music*

    Hey folx its you boy sc. Todays episode is about the death of the underground internet and how everyone in the totse community is a huge coward
    I am recording this in my basement

    Explain who I am and my history in the community briefly and my thugts
    of TOTSE– my name is SC I am not a historycal member of totse im a zoklet
    era reartard that never posted on zoklet
    Why the fuvk am I the last totsean??????? why are you all idiots


    - NIAS)- -niggers in space-
    Listen, I gotta get something off my chest. What the hell is up with all these blog posts on the forum lately? I mean, come on! This is supposed to be a place for discussing fringe topics, weird theories, and cool stuff that you won't find on mainstream sites. But instead, it's turning into a Facebook social media reject sociopath version of blogging.

    I don't give a damn about your daily routine or your latest trip to the grocery store. And don't even get me started on those sappy personal stories that belong on a therapist's couch, not a forum dedicated to alternative thinking. I mean, seriously, do you think anyone cares about your ex's new girlfriend fucking a nubian or your cat's health problems? I hope your cat chokes on its next pigeon dinner.

    Look folks, I'm not saying that all personal stuff is off-limits. We're human beings, after all, with gay homo cowardice thoughts outside of conspiracy theories and UFO sightings. But there's a time and place for everything. And when I come to this forum, I want to read about mind-bending ideas and wild theories that make me question reality. Not some mundane diary entry about your latest date motel/hotel or workout routine. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, dumbfuxkas

    So let's get back on track, people. Let's start posting about the stuff that made this forum/community great. The weird, the bizarre, and the mind-blowing. Let's leave the boring blog posts to the mommy bloggers and food critics. And let's bring the edge back to this community of alternative thinkers…Except I know that will NEVER fucking happen it's literally been
    the call to mantra of every triggered totsean for 10+ years

    "It's time to make a change here. At the moment, we're mostly following in the footsteps of and while this is great in some aspects (nostalgia, awesome layout etc) it also means that we're still wasting our time writing up the same old articles. Making a bomb out of 20 Christmas crackers isn't exactly brilliant information, and while it used to target an audience which would effectively bring in anarchistic teenagers every day, something changed."Unknown, Unknown, February 2011 edited July 2012

    "hurr fuys lets post more nigs at night and hacking and erotica text files"
    "muh text files"
    It won't happen and here's why;

    ARNOX WAS RIGHT everyone is a faggot
    Cowards and Cucks
    list of tardsd: Well Hung, Speedy Parker, DTE, Haxxor
    helladamstupid, lanny, wariat,

    -explain why I'm not spamming, yall are just idiots
    -list of my good recent threads
    *tiktok thread AMERICAN MEDIA MODEL, da matrix, bifdeo james, breaking into earl
    *iSRAEL, Gold doubloons - the official currency of pirates

    Explain the plurals alts things and why lanny is a fag

    Break 2

    Take a quick break to provide a transition between segments

    Segment 3 - hurrr durr internet

    WHy totse/DH are dead/dying. The forum will not be around, kiwifarms
    took the hit and I haven't been there since. One good hit and we scatter like
    NEWTOTSE SUCKS, Reddit is gay, TOTSEANS, people hate ISS code
    Arnox forum is actually cool but DOn'T GO THERE
    this community can get fucked and there's a reason i'm the only one left


    To summarize - YAll are cucks. THe site sucks and community dead
    I am your only fucjking saving grace and will probably die randomly so KEK
    final thoughts: have fun when i'm gone! - talk about thwe guests
    interviews with LLZ and Pickwick AND ARNOX

    Thank the audience for listening and encourage them to tune in for future episode -
  6. #6
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    Yeh I'm not reading that either.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #7
    The author, SC, expresses frustration with the current state of the Totse community, criticizing the shift towards personal blog-like posts instead of discussing fringe topics. They call out members for sharing mundane details of their lives and urge for a return to mind-bending ideas and wild theories. The author also mentions their dislike for spamming accusations and lists their recent threads. They discuss the decline of Totse and other forums, expressing a lack of backup and a negative view of the community. The author concludes by thanking the audience and mentioning upcoming interviews.
  8. #8
    Originally posted by Instigator Yeh I'm not reading that either.

    you should kill yourself instead
  9. #9
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    Here I will convert it into emojjis

  10. #10
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    I converted it to a kindergarden reading level and then also told AI to make it friendly for a retardeded child with down syndrome


    Once upon a time, there was a kid named SC. SC loved to read books and learn new things. One day, they found a special place called Totse. It was a website where people shared their thoughts and ideas.

    But something was not right. People were talking about normal things instead of exciting stories. SC wanted to change that! They wanted to bring back the fun and adventure to Totse.

    SC spoke up and shared their excitement with the Totse friends. But, oh no! Some people didn't like it and said mean things. That made SC sad, but they didn't give up!

    They kept sharing cool topics like space rockets 🚀, magical unicorns 🦄, and awesome tools 🛠️. SC wanted to inspire others with their ideas.

    As time passed, Totse and other places started to change. The magic was disappearing. SC felt a little sad, but they still loved books 📚 and learning new things.

    The adventure of SC and the Talking Totse taught us that reading is fun! Let's share amazing stories, be kind, and keep exploring. There are so many wonderful things to discover in the world 🌍!
    Now, my little friend, grab a book, let your imagination fly, and have a fantastic reading adventure! 🌟 The end.


    🕰️🏰🧒👉🔖💡🌍🏔️💭👧SC ❤️📚, 📖 📚📖& 📚✨. 1️⃣🌃, 👧👇 👀🆕🔍 🌟, 🙌👥 📢🌐🗣️🌐.

    😟❗️🆘🗯️🙍🚫📖🌟⁉️ 😢😢, 👧👇😞🆒 📝🌟🚀🌈, 🦄🦄🌈, 🛠️🌟. 👧SC 🌟🌈🗯️🌍🌟, 💪💡 🙌🌐.

    🗓️⌛, Totse 🌐 & 📝✨🌍😢😢🌐. 👧SC 😢, 📚❤️📖🌟.

    👫🌟, 🤗👧SC 👉🙌 "🙏! 🙌❤️👥" 🌟🌈. 👉❔⁉️ 👧SC 🎙️🆕 🎙️📚🌈🗣️. 🌈💡👥🌍📖🌟.

    📚👧📖🌈🌟💡! 🌈🗯️📚, 🌈🙌, 🌍🔍. 🌍💫👀 📖🌟🎇🌈! 🌟🌈 The end.

    here it is in holyANKH


    here it is in HolyC
    #include <stdio.h>

    int main() {
    char* sc = "📚👧📖🌈\n\nOnce upon a time, there was a kid named SC. SC loved to read books and learn new things. One day, they found a special place called Totse. It was a website where people shared their thoughts and ideas.\n\nBut something was not right. People were talking about normal things instead of exciting stories. SC wanted to change that! They wanted to bring back the fun and adventure to Totse.\n\nSC spoke up and shared their excitement with the Totse friends. But, oh no! Some people didn't like it and said mean things. That made SC sad, but they didn't give up!\n\nThey kept sharing cool topics like space rockets 🚀, magical unicorns 🦄, and awesome tools 🛠️. SC wanted to inspire others with their ideas.\n\nAs time passed, Totse and other places started to change. The magic was disappearing. SC felt a little sad, but they still loved books 📚 and learning new things.\n\nTo all the friends who believed in imagination, SC said, \"Thank you! Your support means a lot to me!\" And guess what? SC had exciting interviews coming up with amazing storytellers. They were going to learn even more and share it with everyone.\n\nThe adventure of SC and the Talking Totse taught us that reading is fun! Let's share amazing stories, be kind, and keep exploring. There are so many wonderful things to discover in the world 🌍!\n\nNow, my little friend, grab a book, let your imagination fly, and have a fantastic reading adventure! 🌟 The end.";

    printf("%s", sc);

    return 0;
  11. #11
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    this creates a .exe and plays TTS of the simplidied short script

    from gtts import gTTS
    import os

    def main():
    sc = "Once upon a time, there was a kid named SC. SC loved to read books and learn new things. One day, they found a special place called Totse. It was a website where people shared their thoughts and ideas.\n\nBut something was not right. People were talking about normal things instead of exciting stories. SC wanted to change that! They wanted to bring back the fun and adventure to Totse.\n\nSC spoke up and shared their excitement with the Totse friends. But, oh no! Some people didn't like it and said mean things. That made SC sad, but they didn't give up!\n\nThey kept sharing cool topics like space rockets, magical unicorns, and awesome tools. SC wanted to inspire others with their ideas.\n\nAs time passed, Totse and other places started to change. The magic was disappearing. SC felt a little sad, but they still loved books and learning new things.\n\nTo all the friends who believed in imagination, SC said, 'Thank you! Your support means a lot to me!' And guess what? SC had exciting interviews coming up with amazing storytellers. They were going to learn even more and share it with everyone.\n\nThe adventure of SC and the Talking Totse taught us that reading is fun! Let's share amazing stories, be kind, and keep exploring. There are so many wonderful things to discover in the world!\n\nNow, my little friend, grab a book, let your imagination fly, and have a fantastic reading adventure! The end."

    # Create the gTTS object
    tts = gTTS(text=sc, lang='en')

    # Save the speech as an MP3 file'speech.mp3')

    # Play the speech using the default media player
    os.system('start speech.mp3')

    if __name__ == "__main__":

    Now, in your terminal, navigate to the directory containing the file, and run the following command to create the executable:

    pyinstaller --onefile

    This will create a dist directory with the executable inside. You can run the executable, and it will play the speech using the default media player on your system.
  12. #12
    Bradley Florida Man
    your posts suck bro
  13. #13
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    why ? Because you are too stupid to search for my podcast thread , maybe someone explained the episode there and you don't have to. Maybe you are just a fucking idiot that should shut the fuck up because people care even less about the opinions of a bald retard than my shitposts that I also don't care about

    go post on intosanctuary or newtotse, faggot
  14. #14
    Bradley Florida Man
    nah i just don't want to hear your lisp as you get excited talking to yourself for a half hour.
  15. #15
    Bradley Florida Man
    i'll do a tl;dr

    We have 1 ugly ratface waiting for a ride to the vape store, recorded on a microphone.

    *bitching about our community because there's no meth guides and mostly blogs*

    *begins going on about homosexuality in our community, despite being a homosexual himself*

    He claims to be reading from a script he wrote, but stumbles on his own words like Joe Biden but more autistic and younger.

    oh and then he reads posts his alts posted and trys to convey them as other people.

    He laments his computer is shit. Compares himself to an autistic teenager with anarchy.

    Focuses on WellHung, Speedy Parker, Helladamngay, Haxxor, Lanny, Wariat, and himself, claiming everyone except is retarded and he is the only poster of worth.

    I regret watching this and am turning this off @8minutes.
  16. #16
    Bradley Florida Man
    "every thread I make is 100 times better than any other thread out there" said a ratface no one wants to hear from.

    would be the motif of this video.
  17. #17
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bradley i'll do a tl;dr

    We have 1 ugly ratface waiting for a ride to the vape store, recorded on a microphone.

    *bitching about our community because there's no meth guides and mostly blogs*

    *begins going on about homosexuality in our community, despite being a homosexual himself*

    He claims to be reading from a script he wrote, but stumbles on his own words like Joe Biden but more autistic and younger.

    oh and then he reads posts his alts posted and trys to convey them as other people.

    He laments his computer is shit. Compares himself to an autistic teenager with anarchy.

    Focuses on WellHung, Speedy Parker, Helladamngay, Haxxor, Lanny, Wariat, and himself, claiming everyone except is retarded and he is the only poster of worth.

    I regret watching this and am turning this off @8minutes.

    yours was longer than me you stupid phoneposting retard

    soy wrist faggot

    Originally posted by King of Nonces I just realized this explains everything including the perceived lowering of quality on times that make no sense to logic based non mobile reality where nothing seems out of the ordinary.

    I think using phones to do social media causes brain morphing and makes people more emotionally sensitive like women and get offended by things easier and cry and bitch about every little detail for no reason. It's literally just mobile posting brain and would explain the more perceivable than any lack of quality phenomenae, strange unexplainable sociology fractions where you start agreeing with people you hate wAIT WHAT BUT THEY"RE RETARDEED

    I'm gonna look more into this but it feels like my brain is totally different using a phone vs using a computer even though its the same thing but rarely do people use phones like computers even if you dont use tiktok and insta it still brain morphs I think
  18. #18
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bradley "every thread I make is 100 times better than any other thread out there"

    ratface is a dh meme

    ^ellaria sand aka kafka
  19. #19
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
    i almost poted a youtube video in here lol DH gon burn
  20. #20
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Instigator

    Some1 give me tl;dr

    How about a too boring didn’t listen?

    Originally posted by Bradley agreed, i am not watching 1 drug addict talk to himself when i have the same addict posting the same copy paste bs his alts postedon this website

    I added something you forgot

    That’s Hiki,

    this is Scron

    back then

    And Retort- To reply, in a sharp, quick, or witty way.

    Scron is a dull, slow witted copy paste spork

    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Then of course, Scron. AKA "RAT FACE". That stupid, transient, test tube anthropoid that posts anything to sound intelligent al a wikipedia; or any search engine. It actually cringes the soul.

    Move in with that other poor helpless Mongoloid Hiki. Fuck each others' arse holes with your MASSIVE noses till you morph into a human ring worm.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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