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wiriting the entire Script of "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle" from memory

  1. #1
    No cheating fuys.

    The opening credits do a smoke transition with a loud bong hitting noise and a Rasta weed song playing in the background



    "Great Kumar, our last bowl, now we gotta go out and get some more"

    They both look at each other

    The scene transitions to them barreling down the interstate in the middle of the night with a funky country western CONVOY-esque tune


    "Where I DON't SEE ANYTHING"

    "Be quiet, they just drove past us, I think they saw the red in my eyes dude"
    "Bro you're paranoid bro"

    Suddenly a heavenly gospel music plays as the two men notice a gigantic bright white illuminated whitecastle sign on a billboard, Time seems to slow down as if to remind them of their mission

    The car does a quick 180 and takes an off-ramp into Oakland, gunshots and sirens are heard in the panning shots.
  2. #2
    I think they wind up at a porn mansion after that
  3. #3
    You've already missed a WHOLE bunch out of the beginning before they even get on the road.
  4. #4
  5. #5
    Harold gets called into work at the hospital

    "Bro what am I gonna do? I can't show up to work HIGH, my life will be ruined"

    "Bro don't worry, I got your back"

    They pull up to the emergency entrance and Kumar starts perfectly playing the part of an experienced surgeon, reading his chart and even berating another doctor for doing something wrong.

    Harold pulls him aside real quick "How do you know all this?!"


    They do the surgery, it's a success. The scene ends with a zoom in shot of them grabbing their stomachs with a hunger sound effect in realization that they have been completely sidetracked from their original goal.

    Also I think the same cop car finds them again and pulls them over but another car crashed into the cop so they just drive away.
  6. #6
    I think next they double team a MILF at the porn mansion that sells them weed, an old 70s hippie chick.
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