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Doreen Virtue

  1. #1
    Kafka sweaty
    She's a psychologist and claimed to really believe in angels and used that to help people. She wanted everyone to believe in angels. I don't trust therapy because you always lose something. It is true that people with faith are happier but they've let go of their ability to think critically, so I don't see it as real healing. Psychologists break people because it's a way to make them feel better, it isn't actually good for them.

    Anyway she wrote a lot of books and claimed she was channeling the angels in them. I knew it wasn't real but the writing did seem to be on a higher plane so it helped when I wanted a dose of positivity. I know the human brain can make itself believe things and it was possible for me to use angels as a tool, I didn't really believe they existed outside my mind.

    Now Doreen has rejected new age religion and is saying she was channeling demons, not angels in all her works. That she's gone back to Jesus. I think it's irresponsible because her books actually helped people and now they won't know what to think. She's gone crazy.
  2. #2
    Kafka sweaty
    I have one of her angel tarot card decks and a few oracle ones.
  3. #3
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    I think you're a dumb enough cunt that would believe in angels molesting you from beyond the grave as a way of coping with your father's death
  4. #4
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    Most people who practice dogmatic religions or overzealously follow the worship of one thing seem to be a lot more unhunhinged and happier
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #5
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    Like me, most most Catholics and Muslims and most pagans worshipping only one diety
  6. #6
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Bradley Like me, most most Catholics and Muslims and most pagans worshipping only one diety

    even the polytheistic ones usually picked one to be their primary patron
  7. #7
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    that woman just seems to be trading one dogma for another. kind of makes sense though, summoning is generally considered to be reckless in any 'serious' religion or magickal system, even the 'satanists' that intentionally try to do it - creatures that live outside of the physical realm aren't constrained by the same things we are, and that extends to their motives and the way they think
  8. #8
    Kafka sweaty
    I told you to stay out of my inbox.
  9. #9
    Bradley Florida Man [my infernally top-secret etiology]
    Originally posted by aldra that woman just seems to be trading one dogma for another. kind of makes sense though, summoning is generally considered to be reckless in any 'serious' religion or magickal system, even the 'satanists' that intentionally try to do it - creatures that live outside of the physical realm aren't constrained by the same things we are, and that extends to their motives and the way they think

    Yeah it's like dragon magic u never know if the wind and fire will be In front of you or in you and sometimes you can invite things in that will give u the double cumdrop and then you pregnant with them for life.

    Originally posted by Kafka I told you to stay out of my inbox.

    I found a way to tell u read them
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