2017-02-24 at 6:02 AM UTC
They're going to honor the Georgia Stones.
First thing they will do is have Seth McFarland do a Family Guy episode (if it hasn't been done already) of Peter and his family running from the elitist who are out to kill 85 percent of the world because Seth's writers scam websites like this for hackscripting.
So the purpose of this is to deflate any seriousnessess of such an event occuring. Seth mac is a got damn godless sellout piece of Hollywood shit I would love to do voiceover work for.
Anyhow.. once they program the MOON PERSONs, they snatch all the fine honey's with an IQ of at least 125 and men with an IQ of at least 150 (to do IT work and build applications) but will probably weed out anyone with a 140 or hire not doing anything constructive but just lying around.. so they don't become a threat with their intelligence.
everyone 100 IQ and not attractive will be cattle feed. the Georgia Stones must be honored.
Fuck Seth McFarland with a global amount of Auto Rage on full throttle right in his asshole.