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Fona 8-31-2022

  1. #1
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Good morning guys.
    I'm pretty much all better from being sick.
    Work went well last night.
    Came home and slept pretty decent.
    Anyways, I've got several little chores to do before work today and none of them should take very long.
    Hoping that today at work will be another easy day.
    I told my boss I wasn't coming in early if there was no extra equipment to use and especially since I won't be making any OT anyways this week.
    There is always more money out there if I need it.
    Right now I am trying to figure out how to procure the tools necessary to finish replacing the basement windows before it cools off too much this year.
    I replaced 3 of them in the Spring but still have 3 more to go.
    And I need to forget about that and find someone to do my gutters.
  2. #2
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Made some progress around the house this morning.
    Catching up on paperwork, doing a few chores and making some calls.
    Should have someone coming later this afternoon to quote me for my gutters.
    I'm about to head to them gas station and then trek on to work.
    Hope everyone has a great afternoon.
  3. #3
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Im sure your girlfriend is loving all the work your doing to her house before you 2 break up
  4. #4
    Bradley Florida Man
    bro that's so mean, why don't you think they'll last forever?
  5. #5
    cigreting Dark Matter
    she has made such good choices by not being with the cums dad
  6. #6
    Bradley Florida Man
    Dude I love how we describe prior children as that other guys developed cum he doesn't want.

    That's so fucked. XD I'm pretty sure it was you cigaretting that started it too.

    Whenever I find out women are single moms I grian inwardly and give up any hope of them and I fucking cuz they'll probably plant my unwanted seed and then drag it around for anyone that wants to molest it.
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