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a petition to kill yourself man

  1. #1
    dick knuckle cracked by plorghole
    zzongle bloquestiod
    haaunglehouse mcblooky blampernickle hookatrus zinglydoodle doo
    hooju splargney haurlessniss splandex stinky winkle drinks and the cushings questiod blink
    shoggle stintrapely stiljuion strichyffoodoo stooply ronglystoggle bireakus beakus chickensquan
    shongleblaustreno stoochlestanley glhorrus chronjujjus sponklerhynedix holluheauxenab splajj lajaraj mcrajablagbiglogstinkbod
    blinky quangledex and the cardy char har rolex index of whats next
    gloauhirenly and the chaunuglugglug of anstirecksoid soldanostroid vangle staight bangle wiggle gang marfan role call mischevoid bloaurghite vandlers

    youre a chonklestock
    im a yartovorsnin
    youre a plinkoborb
    youre a cruaqgylnnabdel
    im a stoocherpawployh
    ok mr plytunguloimus squioiumous
    ok schplwaleuhuehynstomaweklokloyklocloy
  2. #2
  3. #3
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump

    Now that's one succulent meme right there
  4. #4
  5. #5
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I swear on me loife m8 you and shamby should meld into one ULTIMATE form.
  6. #6
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  7. #7
    cerakote African Astronaut
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