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Boris might have died for me

  1. #1
    Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]

    He was sacrificed
  2. #2
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Grylls What

    He was sacrificed

    Asians will do that
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    That dog didn't want to live to begin with . Fuckin PUGS. every second he's alive is a second he wishes he wasn't alive.
  4. #4
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    He brings joy to his master's though. Who gives a fuck how miserable he is. He's just a fucking dog
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