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Polish assault laws are a joke

  1. #1
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Ive been doing a lot of research and talked to multiple cops since I was jumped and aggrevately assaulted and had my hand stomped where my skull almost had an incision you could see inside of and my hand was almsot broken as I covered up you guys know. Ive been doing research and talking to different cops and its a joke here. In a way its good and in a way its bad. The good thing if I had done what I did to raphael luciano even if I couldnt proved he attacked first or fought back in any way (here just fighting back its no longer assault even if youre attacked although you can use self defense weapons then) Id be ding literally 0 time and he would have to do a private charge on me basically suing me or civil court. Not sure about kevin markley as I didnt ask perticular slike how many stiches does it break their 7 day rule.

    Basically for any gbi or great bodily injury - they dont even refer to it as such like in california - to occur you have to have an open wound or broken bone or something lasting more than 7 days. And the person who determines it is this old guy at this small office at this particular place called on official obdukcja. And he is only open twice a week with a long waiting line. Unless you go to the hospital first I guiess its possible theyll look at the hospital records but the official court medication is that guy so by the time you get to him some days might pass and youll be less injured.

    Also there is no enhancement of gbi like california its simply the charge of assault. Otherwise if you punch someone or simply bruise them or even choke them out or mace them its only the private charge or civil. Here is proof if you dont believe me or a case where a guy was maced and shoving was going on and everyone involved just got a. private charge becausae no wounds exceeded 7 days (possibly done out of the blue at least one of the times):

    I am still unsure if they care more about the act or crime during the assault vs the consequences but to me it seems like the cops just didnt know how the da will take it but most likely they wont open a case no matter how the assailants acted unless you have that injury over 7 days rule or paperwork. Like if they group you or stomp you or even knife you but you're injuries are minor even though they tried or attempted to kill you the most likely outcome is the da wont pick the case up. At least in this city maybe like in cali each city and court is different and here they have too many cases or people in jail who knows.

    but one of the cops showed me a case where some guy got beat and the da or court simply said in the interest of justice since no wounds exceeded the 7 day rule we are dropping the case and the victim can go to a private court to settle it. By the way, if you have a lifelong scar or some wound (Kevin markley made a huge deal about or that stupidnc alifornia santa cruz judge) they dont care at all here as long as its not open it still doesnt pass the 7 day rule.

    Here is more info in case you dont believe me how different it is to california and how violence is no big deal:
  2. #2
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Note the weird thing is when foreigners like tourists from india or other races get assaulted it seems in poland newspapers pick it up (maybe theyre foreign though) and cops do arrrest the people same thing if its a journalsit like during the march. so I am guessing they pick and choose and absically it doesnt matter what happens but who you are. They probably dont want a bad name or image in the press so they may act different if youre not a polak or ukrainian and a victim. in such cases they care vs they dont care if you are. Also they wont come to your house if you call them unless yourre life is at risk or life threatening injuries and tell you to go to the station the enxt morning unlike california where they come for any reason. So basically you have to call right away and make a huge deal if you hope they care in Poland.
  3. #3
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  4. #4
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Also regarding unconsciousness what that retard lawyer in santa cruz and what the cops there were able to do to me would never work here. how they tried to claim they can threaten me with a gbi enhancement (dont even exist in poalnd nor strikes btw) because raphael lucinao was out or choked out. here unless his head htis the pavement hard thats what the cop said basically if someone is knocke dor choked out unless their head hits something you dont have no 7 day rule even pass.
  5. #5
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    also apparently they do or the courts do here make a difference based on history especially if its same crime like if they had other counts of assault on their record they were on probation for or whatever they would get harsher penalties but the cop never specified by how much or what just the maximum they could do was like three yrs but this was before jy medical exam where they determined it wasnt injuries past 7 days i did on my own accord before pressing any charges or deciding to (an option otherwise they pay for it but it becomes official and goes to da etc.). so its possible but they never specified to me that even if they have a history if they dont break the seven day injury rule it still may be just a private or civil case.
  6. #6
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    and to steros:

    Sure I challenged him after when the cops came they seemed worthless or were talking to him not getting my or the guys side of the story getting shoved (in the previous incident weeks before) because the cops seemed so worthless i assumed theyd let it happen or at least until there was a clear winner or he could have went ot the side with me. Only after i tried doing the right thing since I wasnt paid to stop the situation did I get mad enough to call him out. But how does that excuse the coward not going one on one when I walked by and jumping me? secondly how does that excuse raphael luciano who use this own fuking kids as bait trying to get me to fight with them on his back retard? from california thats how you guys get down than call cops like luciano so just admit it. Nothing comes as cowardly in all my life to the way you californians act like kevin markley and raphel luciano so you cant even say anything to me.
  7. #7
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    they rid say thwt in poland they will make it a bigger feal or automaticoaly put a case on not even ask questions when youre in a hospital and they come to see you or interview you or find out you were put there during wn assault. its no questions then apparently. but i still think its max three yrs no gbi enhancement and it may depend how long youre there. like if youre there just for stiches and leaving or in critical condition.
  8. #8
    Kuntzschutz African Astronaut
    Laws in general are a joke.
  9. #9
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    yea theyre either inconsistent different towns or jurisdictions do diff things or depends on who you are not what happened or theyre too harsh or light. like cslifornia is just insane its like north korea of laws.
  10. #10
    Wariat is an expert at being an assault victim.
  11. #11
    cigreting Dark Matter
    not quite clear what your saying
    tell us more
  12. #12
    WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Laws in general are a joke.

    You prefer disorder and chaos, do you? The people that prefer anarchy are the ones that have the least to lose.
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