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Random things to yell over a Car's bullhorn

  1. #1
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    since Covid19 shutin has lifted a bit out in the City, I thought it would be funny if I had a BullHorn and yelled naughty icky things n stuff

    like.. "Covid is over with, lets all get pregnant"

    or is that strictly 80s humor?

    what would you yell and who would you direct it to.
  2. #2
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
  3. #3
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    I had to go to some kind of court thingy a number of years ago (more than a dozen) because of my son using "Mr. Microphone". It wasn't really court but rather some kind of pre-court investigation to determine if they would take my son to court on a charge of impersonating a police officer. He had seen another group of kids goofing off (I don't remember what they were doing) in their car at the stoplight perpendicular to his. He got on the speaker and, while never actually claiming to be the police, told the occupants of the other car that they were in violation and for the driver to stick his hands out of the window. He then drove by calling them "dumbasses" and laughed at them. They reported him to the police.

    I had him apologize and explain that he was only joking around while I explained that we had discussed the repercussions of his actions and that I already had had my boot up his ass for pulling such a stupid stunt.

    We never heard back from them, thankfully.
  4. #4
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by stl1 I had to go to some kind of court thingy a number of years ago (more than a dozen) because of my son using "Mr. Microphone". It wasn't really court but rather some kind of pre-court investigation to determine if they would take my son to court on a charge of impersonating a police officer. He had seen another group of kids goofing off (I don't remember what they were doing) in their car at the stoplight perpendicular to his. He got on the speaker and, while never actually claiming to be the police, told the occupants of the other car that they were in violation and for the driver to stick his hands out of the window. He then drove by calling them "dumbasses" and laughed at them. They reported him to the police.

    I had him apologize and explain that he was only joking around while I explained that we had discussed the repercussions of his actions and that I already had had my boot up his ass for pulling such a stupid stunt.

    We never heard back from them, thankfully.

    Mr Microphone was cool. so you just set it to a certain station on the radio and use it like a Bullhorn?

    I wonder if they sell them. Didn't Hikki just ask how to start a radio station? lol interesting. that's just a cheaper way of doing it. Probably the same basic tech. if you used a radio repeater that they sold at Radio Shack not long ago before it went out of business (a hmmmmm)

    he could be like Christian Slater in Pump up the Volume.
  5. #5
    cryptographiccontrarian African Astronaut
    sounds funny to me, lets make a video
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