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the rattex roaster

  1. #1
    Ghost Black Hole
    quoted so OP can't delete this like a bitch

    Originally posted by Kev we all love drama up in this bitch, heres my final PM to him.

    enjoy, you drama queen faggots:

    lets recap, the day i joined this site you had an odd obsession with me. i gave you numerous hints to back off. the reason is i sensed you were a mentally ill fuckup from the very beginning. you didnt get it, you kept trying to get close to me.
    despite that, you continued acting like some bitch that doesnt know when shes not wanted. i learned you arent technically deficient and you kept insisting with promises to make me a leet haxor, so i did what i almost never do, i ignored my gut instinct and let you get close to me.

    what happened? just days onward you accused me of being some mystery man that got your xmpp account without your permission. i tolerated it. then suddenly im under investigation and lose my business. what a coincidence. not once did i accuse you of having something to do with it.

    then you accuse me of manipulating and gaslighting you, and ironically accused me of trying to get close to you and fuck you over after you spent a whole year trying to get close to me and ignored all hints to back off. amazingly, i tolerated it and politely dispelled your lunatic ramblings.
    [redacted] you accuse me of starting that thread for a nefarious reason, begin threatening me and playing head games. i finally lost my fucking patience.

    and this is the same person who earlier said

    against my better judgment, i decided to treat you in good faith and treat all your false accusations and head games in good faith. i kept my word. i told you i would offer you honesty. you offered all sorts of exaggerated promises, kept going sweet on me with assurances that you would never lose patience with my tech-tardation but would be angry at yourself for not instructing me properly and all sorts of sophistry like this.

    i gave you my undivided attention for 2 months, what have you done for those 2 months? jack fucking shit. nothing but all talk and no action. we never got past step 0. you ask me to use software i have zero familiarity with so inevitably i cant get anything to work. frustrating as it was, i kept my faith in you and followed all instructions unquestioningly. when we finally get your torcheck script to work, i asked a technical question that you ignored, you just told me to forget xmpp and get on when your invite code failed, you blamed me for it and flipped out. then you wanted to send me another invite which wouldnt work because github wouldnt accept any of my fucking email accounts. impatient with so much of our time being wasted, i asked if you could just create one for me or let me borrow yours so we can get this fucking bullshit over with already, you never delivered, i asked multiple times, you said you would and never did. this is beyond the ability for such a leet hacker like yourself, to create a disposable email address.

    so you spent all that effort for almost a year trying to get close to me to do what? to waste my goddamn time for 2 months? i fail to see what exactly you were trying to accomplish.

    why exactly were you trying to get close to me all this time? you never answered this. you say you relate to me but i do not relate to you at all. you are a psychotic fuckup who flaunts his disease (pedophilia) like its something to be proud of.

    you are projecting your lonely desperation when you tell me i have trouble making friends. i dont, i have close friends, they may not be ideal but they have proven themselves that i can trust them with my life.
    let me remind you that it is you who so desperately sought the friendship of an anonymous, uneducated drug addict. it is obviously you who lacks companionship but im not your personal therapist.

    Sophie 2020-06-04 at 3:23 PM UTC


  2. #2
    Infinityshockrates Tuskegee Airman
  3. #3
    A Tuskegee Airman [my neurobiological trilled kampala]
    "It was Ratface's thinking, not too long ago, after having both seen his share of posters, often those who are blatantly new to the site, and coming solely to learn how to knock out business scale quantities of super-strong fent analogs. And also having been the recipient of more than a few zero-post eggs sending Ratface personally, PMs asking for his serving them as a consultant or team member for hire, etc., if he can but assist in technological consultation, or even practical supply of services or/and materials. He need not say it, but he has a policy of, and ALWAYS has turned such individuals down. All the more so since they are quite obviously here for one thing only.

    And it ain't a good one.

    So, Ratface hereby proposes first, a site-wide discussion upon coming together to discuss this IMO critical issue. It's both a dangerous opioid, fenanyl itself, over and above the toxicity levels by weight, but also by type, among other opioids, with fentanyl pattern agents, because unlike other opioids, fentanyl is quite commonly known within H that's circulating as notorious bad batches.

    That we convene a nest-wide council of our winged kin, and take whatever time we need to decide a policy on how we approach the subject. Ratface does not believe some hard-line intolerant fanatical ban is warranted, but he does believe we need to develop a policy on fentanyl and other ultra-potent opioids. He believes that this must be done in consultation between us all, and done logically and rationally, without descent into emotion or hysteria.

    Polling might well be necessary, and seems to Ratface most likely the best way to decide policy, but first, let us convene a council on ultrapotent opioids.

    Who else here agrees that we ought to have at least some policy about them?"
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