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My rent is going up $50 a month.

  1. #1
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Starting in October.
    Chell and I will have to decide if it is worth it to pay $875.00 a month to stay here. It is a lot of money and although we do have a lot of nice stuff here it is mostly stuff I brought in.
    I could give a shit less if the walls have paint on them or not.
    Now on the other hand I haven't had any problems living here except one time when the neighbor mistakenly called the police on me.

    Im pretty sure we could rent a house for less and I might look into doing that until we can save enough money to buy one.
  2. #2
    Kal Joose Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Starting in October.
    Chell and I will have to decide if it is worth it to pay $875.00 a month to stay here. It is a lot of money and although we do have a lot of nice stuff here it is mostly stuff I brought in.
    I could give a shit less if the walls have paint on them or not.
    Now on the other hand I haven't had any problems living here except one time when the neighbor mistakenly called the police on me.

    Im pretty sure we could rent a house for less and I might look into doing that until we can save enough money to buy one.

    BUY ONE?

  3. #3
    Bradley Florida Man
    i think you should rent to own or get a really nice trailer on a lot (not in a trailer park) that you can chell can work on paying off and eventually own.

    Most banks and trailer salesman can help you fiance it and help you get it dragged to your lot of choice and if chell ever leaves you, you can just drag another trailer on the lot, cut the lot in half and bang when gets all cougary and sees you working on the yard.

    if she refuses just burn it down, split the money and sell the lot.

    either you're pissing money out the window (I pay about 420 lol for all my bills and rent total a month to split a two bedroom with my friend) or your investing in your future.

    You don't have any kids and chell is too old right? This can be your longterm retirement home of gaming, cats, marijuana, good music and rest for you. And I think a used trailer will run u like 10k maybe 15k if you get a really nice one.

    I'll come hang out with you and chell in your trailer in the middle of the creepy woods.
  4. #4
    Bradley Florida Man
    i also took three or four swigs of hot sauce while watching your hot sauce video and would like you to get the super hot one that you have to have your mom or chell there to get.
  5. #5
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Get out of an apartment that costs that much. Youll never get ahead at your current wage with rent being in that range. Bring your living standards down and get a cheap 1 bedroom and save some money, youll thank yourself in a few years
  6. #6
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    I would tell you to buy a house on contract but you would get it almost paid off and ur woman will find it better to live there alone and you would get fucked out of your house
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #7
    Bradley Florida Man
    if you get a second wife you can not work and still be a two income household

    has your wife ever did gay stuff with her friends while she was growing up? Ask her about it.
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