2020-03-17 at 7:07 AM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
if you woke up tomorrow and youd see a world on fire eith people fighting over shopping carts and every store empty and looted like iut of mad max? and then you started noticing gangs driving wround with customized vehicles with spikes on them and wearing konan the barbariwn style of cothing rwping people? kind of like in denzelw ashington’s book of eli? what would you do? would you intervene in the rape or let it happen?
2020-03-17 at 7:24 AM UTC
Space Nigga
[the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
pop a bunch of xanax and get funky wit it
2020-03-17 at 1:16 PM UTC
weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
Id root around inside of an ass! 👍
2020-03-17 at 1:17 PM UTC
I'd assume I'd woke up in Liberia
2020-03-17 at 1:27 PM UTC
A set number or people were only allowed to go in Aldi this morning.
The whole situation is quite disturbing if I'm honest.