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Sucking dick cured my depression

  1. #1
    Octavian motherfucker
    I dropped out of school when I was 16 years old because I was a depressed faggot that got bullied daily. I was self medicating by binge drinking and got into renting my ass to pay for drugs. When I had a job getting my ass filled I was still depressed and I didn't know why, I also didn't know I had anxiety???? I had no idea what was wrong with me or why I had panic attacks non stop.

    Cannabis CAUSES anxiety and depression but I'm your typical indenial faggot that says it doesn't. It wasn't until I started abusing amphetamines that I felt like a curtain of darkness was lifted over me, and I began to start having delusions of grandeur. I accepted I had some psychological issues and rather than work on them, I started talking about them in an edgy kind of way to deal with the fact I'm a fucking retard. By refusing to put down the pipe, stop sucking dick and get a job like normal people; I can now dictate my flawed philosophy of why I'm a piece of shit loser that refuses to address my own problems. Take away my needs and the real me will show, a weak angsty faggot with dependance issues.

    I used to aspire to be a criminal and manufacture large amounts of drugs and shoot ethnic people??????, (not that they did anything to me apart from be hardworking humans), but now I am a completely different person. A lot of it is through sucking cock and radically changing my dosage of drugs to block out reality. It feels like a spiritual awakening to me even though I know it's mostly drug induced, but I still feel this way even though I don't actively abuse amphetamines [PMSL WTF??]

    I owe a lot of the healing I experienced to sucking cock and enforcing my contradictory views upon people in similar positions.


    I seriously should consider OD'ing on laxatives before I embarrass myself further.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Only solution is to commit die
  3. #3
    DontTellEm Black Hole
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