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Shaving with an electric arc

  1. #1
    We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Some of you have heard of arc lighters, they're easy to make. I was just wondering if anyone ever tried shaving with an arc. If you had a non-conductive screen, so the arc was less likely to actually touch the skin, how painful would this be? It would stink for sure.

    I recently set my pubes on fire again, because I couldn't be bothered shaving them, as that takes time. It's not actually painful if you're careful, worst it'll do is burn the skin around your bladder area, but it's unlikely to actually leave any blisters, unless your pubic bush happens to be huge at the time and you let it all flare up at once.
  2. #2
    Octavian motherfucker
    Let's not.
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