2018-04-25 at 5:30 PM UTC
I know you are reading this so keep reading.
I am sorry I was mean and hateful to you this morning.
I was really jealous reading what you and Kinkou wrote.
I am kind of feeling bad that you ran away.
Sort of feel like it might have been a little bit my fault.
I am probably over-thinking this.
Point is I just do not want you to get hurt anymore.
So please stay away.
2018-04-25 at 5:37 PM UTC
Dude enter leaving had nothing to do with you. He did this recently where he stopped posting for a while to focus on school. That’s most likely what happened this time
2018-04-25 at 5:41 PM UTC
What did they say in TC that made you so mad
2018-04-25 at 5:47 PM UTC
No. Its what Enter posted about having sex and how Kinkou replied that made me mad.
Then I threatened Enter some on NIS and he came to talk to me in tinychat and I sort of told him I was going to kill him.
Then he asked if I was joking and I said I was not joking and then I threatened him some more and he said he was going to TSTM or w/e the fuck that means
2018-04-25 at 5:48 PM UTC
But its okay because he is just working on his school work and Kinkou and Enter did not have a suicide pact.
2018-04-25 at 6:05 PM UTC
It was because of my great american novel thread.