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The american/canadian treasure rob ford is dead

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I always liked him because he never let nay sayers get him down and he was for the little guy, the underdog especially when it comes to free enterprise.

    He is one of my inspirations for wanting to own my own business. today I asked the hr lady how I can I get my check if you guys closed the store for the next several days. She was so much of a pussy she didn't answer me instead i got a text from my boss saying that he will won't be in tommorow to hand out checks. Then I got a text from that lady saying he will be in. I almost flipped out. I called my boss and I threatened to have a state wide investigation on their company if they didnt get me my check tommorow. He agreed to do so and apoloigized, I just can't stand being chewed out by these people and talked to about "accountability" yet shrug off their professional accountability as much as they can until you have to act like a dick to get whats owed to you.

    If i Had a Bill Krozbydogs stand I would pay everyone 15 dollars an hour in cash that very day.

  2. #2
    arthur treacher African Astronaut
    Fuck Rob Ford, and fuck you too.
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  4. #4
    I'll inform all my customers that they are smoking Rob Ford this week. Rob Ford week.
  5. #5
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support


    I imagine this is how your daughter would pronounce 'rekt'.Are you an infant?
  6. #6
    RIP Rob Ford. My favorite quote of his was in response to him smoking crack and picking up prostitutes or something like that, and he just said "Well I must have been blackout drunk if I did that because I don't remember" or something like that.

    And yea people in authority type positions are often quick to shirk their own responsibilities while demanding it from you. Half of my professors are shit that demand the utmost organization, precision, and punctuality from students but can't be bothered to self discipline themselves enough to do the same. Luckily the other half are really good.
  7. #7
    RIP in penises, Bob Ford. You will be missed.
  8. #8
    Legalize crack cocaine
  9. #9
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    One of the most corrupt, useless shit bags we've had around here in awhile. Good riddance.
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