Its one of Americas newest security services where we are diverse and trained in sensitivity and de-sculating training and well versed in "time bomb" tactics and psychology into the criminal mind and the plight of americas communities.
We all wear baby blue polo shirts and tan corduroy pants with dockers boating loafers. If shit hits the fan and the fbi is slacking we come with 25-45 men and women with an open but non-threatening posture, our hands relaxed clasped behind our backs and a smile on our face, we look them in the eye and tell them that they don't need to be upset or worry, and start slowing approaching them still talking and looking them in the eye, tell them how their are people that care about them and when we get close enough we all have a group hug and then slam the perp into the ground and take him to the slammer.
These our the two agents that started G.O.N.T.S in a promotional picture during the celebration of the service.