2017-07-06 at 5:56 AM UTC
[enlighten my devil-may-care transplanting]
Damn, wish I was still able to get some kpins. Also even though klonopin is used for anxiety, it is not an SSRI as far as I know. It is an benzodiazepine.
I have taken many SSRIs and SSNI. Never take Trintellix. It is the worst shit amongst SSRIs.
2017-07-06 at 6:02 AM UTC
Which medications are you on sploo?
2017-07-06 at 6:29 AM UTC
ssris seem like depression tylenol that also numbs personality and emotion in general both good and bad, it sort of helps me though
gabapentin is for anxiety
2017-07-06 at 6:34 AM UTC
Yeah, that was my experience too. But I missed the good too much.
Are you taking any other drugs?
2017-07-06 at 6:55 AM UTC
I did it for the lulz once. I get either anxious or aggressive on them.
2017-07-06 at 8:06 AM UTC
Naw braw naw. I only bang ramen noodles laced with nutmeg. Also as scrawny said I don't do cuck drugs. If I may be completely serious here drinking on top of those "don't kill yourself" drugs does make people crazy as fuck and generally act like a faggot ass no one likes. #SRStag