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science told you that there are four different kinds of forces. it is wrong.

  1. #1
    wagwan Yung Blood
    all forces are based on electrostatic force. all matters are formed from charged particles.
    light speed, electrostatic force speed, and gravity speed are the same. WHY?
    light strength, electrostatic force strength, and gravity strength are decay at same 1/rr. WHY?

    because light is vibrating electrostatic force produced by vibrating atoms.

    gravity is induced electrostatic attraction force between neutrally charged matters.
    similar to attraction force between oppositely charged particles.

    mad and woman attract each other

    if you realize gravity is induced electrostatic force between neutrally charged matters, just like married people still fucking around due to sexual attraction, you will understand why gravity and electrostatic force have the same speed and their strength both decay at 1/rr.
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