2017-06-26 at 7:22 PM UTC
I just thought of this new scam. What you do is you you say you're doing some research for your sociology class and you want to give people a quiz of random facts about themselves then once you have that info, you have them answer a series of questions on their opinion on some controversial issue, doesn't really matter what, it's just a distraction.
BUT HERE'S THE CATCH: the seemingly innocuous questions you asked earlier are things like what color was your first car, your high school mascot, your first gf's name, etc. Basically all the standard security questions to get into their email or online banking. You also ask them for contact info so you can get their email and other info to find more info online.
Then you take control of every account they own and take them for all they got
2017-06-26 at 7:25 PM UTC
Stop stealing peoples money