Buy (overvalued) bitcoin right now. BTC will crash violently, hopefully to around 900 or so in the following weeks. It will seem like the world is ending, other cryptos may drop as well. Buy BTC right now and pour it into other cryptos, almost all of it. Then when the crash happens, sweep us as much BTC as you can, or use your other cryptocurrencies to buy back BTC.
BTC will crash hard because people want to cash out. Keep at least 30-40% BTC for the long run. Don't try to play the markets if you can't afford to lose everything. If you go long, you'll make money.
Your holdings should look like this
40% BTC
30% LTC
15% ETH
10% XRP
And then throw a few thousand spare dollars into ultra shit coins like digibyte or bytecoin on the off chance they moon.
You're not going to moon to lamboland off Ethereum and BTC when all you have is $400 to invest. The math doesn't work out. Ethereum is not going to moon to 800 or so anytime soon, and even if it did, you'd only make $2.8k off your $400... Which is good, but not life changing at all.
I have 25k spread across ETH, XRP, GTN, LTC, and I have 10k on standby to buy up BTC the next time it drops below 1400 (some estimate it'll even drop below 900). BTC is the reserve currency for at least the next 4 years and anyone who tells you differently is a retarded faggot.
Spreading $500 around on shit coins won't make you dick. Pick one penny crypto and place your bet. Try to understand how scaling works.