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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Originally posted by Infinityshockrates I'll bring the tainted dope 😈

    I'm bringing a shitload of BHUTANESE SHADOW DRAGON KUSH
  2. Also you didn’t answer my question about maddie the hacker chick you friended her she was just curious about that
  3. Originally posted by Kingoffrogs Are you tort?

    No… he’s just Narc used to be called NarcASSIST. He’s been adding that dumb period to the bottom of his posts for like over a decade no one else does that.

    Skinhead 50 something english sex addict recently released from prison
  4. Originally posted by Narc Don't invite me I wouldn't go if you blew me


    Are you tort?
  5. Your*
  6. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ *feds enter thread*

    Mechanic broke my car somehow and is giving me a hard time about it, I don't care if the feds know that I just might kill him.
  7. Originally posted by WellHung SHITTSKIN.

    Fuck you and the niggers dick you rode in on
  8. Originally posted by Kinks I am thinking I hope I will sleep someday

    and I broke my damn retainer in half but pretty sure its still working fine

    and im thinking I probably have to see the doctor for my busted up wrist BUT I DONT WANT TO GO. seems a little bone may be very upset on the inside where the giant lump was swelled wild


    I have been using CBN-O lately and really like it as a sleep aid, it's a cannabinoid similar to CBD. If you smoke you can just mix it with your weed or whatever, if not mix it into something like coconut oil. $10 a gram.
  9. Thinking about killing someone, maybe murder/suicide even
  10. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Yeah, but you can't just run out in the busy street and pull it out and start waving your penis around.

    Not with that attitude you can't
  11. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Wrong. I don't live by anybody's rules. Never have, never will. And I don't take part in society. I inhabit a mountain top, far beyond the reach of you mere humans. My point was most of the world's population don't know they are being manipulated and brainwashed by the WEF/UN and their mind control operations.

    Yes I know you have to lie instead of admitting that you actually are a willing participant in the society you claim to hate, otherwise you look like a hypocrite
  12. Free market only works when it’s actually free, when the powerful interests collaborate to fuck you there’s really nothing you can do about it
  13. Originally posted by Infinityshockrates Just don't use their platform then. This is why nobody posts on newtotse. If what they are doing is against the wishes of every person they will cease to exist and be replaced by something the market actually wants

    Yep that’s the exact counter argument the censors used. Hey if you don’t like our massive platform that is one of only two or three of the main ones, you can use one of those other two or three that have the exact same censorship rules!!! Or else you can use some obscure bullshit that has ten users and nobody cares about!! We’re a private business so we can do whatever the fuck we want you just have to deal with it!
  14. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It's not about controlling me. I can't be controlled. It's about controlling the impressionable people out there.

    I don’t mean you personally idiot. They already control all of the society which you inhabit and take part in. You live by their rules already.
  15. They don’t need the UN or WEF to make some master plan to control you. They already control you retard.
  16. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If they want to be a mindless WEF/UN minion, they can be a mindless WEF/UN minion as well.

    Nah im just more about freedom and the free market and etc
  17. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The eating bugs thing is globalist brainwashing coming out of the WEF/UN, with their climate change hoax. "You will own nothing and be happy" is their motto.

    You just keep repeating WEF related shit like a sheep.

    If people wanna eat bugs they can eat bugs, or synthetic meat or whatever, I still think we should keep eating and producing meat though
  18. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Bugs carry all kinds of diseases and viruses. Not safe to eat.

    So do animals
  19. Elon is a NIGGER from Africa
  20. Originally posted by Cowboy2013 For people saying it doesn't make sense since they're electric cars, yeah charged by burning coal. So save the trees. Any of those tree's life is worth more than Elon's imo.

    I like the concept of the electric car. In theory it’s in preparation for when fossil fuel bulk electric production is phased out. You can do both things at once, ramp up electric car production and related charging infrastructure, while also limiting coal use. Should be replaced with a mix of nuclear and geothermal with some solar and wind thrown in, for funsies.

    I’m not in favor of banning gas burning vehicles though I think they’ll always have their place. I’m pretty sure electric cars are just better or will be once the technology improves more and the free market will shift people largely away from gas burners eventually anyway.
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