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Posts by CutterLegendaryNinja

  1. Protip put the onions in a blender after you cooked them.

    The reason most vegetarians don't get high is because they eat the whole vegetable that's just been stir fried or something.

    You must puree it or it just won't digest.

    I stopped because I thought the rashes were me detoxing to heavily.

    But someone on here told me it was actually because of pesticides so ideally get your onion from an organic Amish farmer

    USE PLENTLY HYMALAYAN SALT. This is the purest salt besides bamboo salt which is cooked to be eliminate toxins from the salt.

    I Discovered this on a vegetarian diet completely by "accident".

    But it was no accident see these were the foods that were supposed to bestow immortality according to my teacher.

    So I ate them 😂.

    Look up the founding of Korea and the tiger and bear black garlic.

    They cook garlic until black and ate just garlic for 100 days and it gave them immortality.

    So I did that.

    And it worked after three days I was so happy I was in love.

    I cooked the garlic until brown and then ate it...and after I remember about three days I was high! The garlic would help your breathing a lot.

    Hopefully you all can get off drugs and do these real drugs. Herbal medicine.

    Cabbage is another one that gets you pretty high.
  2. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Use a pressure cooker for even more effect.

    Yeah there was an article in high times and that's what they did
  3. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I prefer high meat which is definitely a DMT-like psychoactive akin to Jenkem

    Mine didn't turn out right. I think the meat was previously frozen which kill bacteria.
  4. Take onion and chop up and cook in a pot for five hours.

    The long cooking time to eliminates all the bad ordur so you won't smell.

    Then mix with flour or some grain and cook that too for five hours.

    Onion is a powerful aphrodisiac and testosterone has a amphetamine like effect.

    It also detoxes you.
  5. Cook your food.
  6. Originally posted by The Self Taught Man An old Russian trick when drinking on an empty stomach is to swallow a cube of butter. Both alcohol and butter are non-polar so they mix, making you digest the liquor a little bit slower, even if you did not eat.

    No you mix the butter and beer and ferment them.

    Old wizard truck.
  7. Originally posted by Iron Ree I frequently mess around with off shelf sildenafil and other such products, never had a problem. It's very easy to obtain brand name viagra illegally either online or from party people. You can either buy a few pills for the weekend or an entire box/case if you got the right hookup, it's not hard to get from doctors either unless you have blood pressure issues.

    Lots of sites on the clearnet will sell it to anyone with a credit card. I've only ever seen it sold as pills in blister packs/boxes because so many illegal factories produce the stuff with used big pharma industrial gear and use the exact same supply chains so you are virtually buying the same product, it's probably just produced in Asia or some other place that doesn't commonly import to the USA but someone smuggles a container ship full of it and makes 4x the investment because it's dirt cheap in that part of the world, pretty easy money if you can move stuff overseas

    also it's not totally unrealistic to manufacture and cook your own but it's a bit of an upfront investment.

    Rat poison?
  8. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    You have to know how to eat the ephedra for it to do n
    Anything ....

    How do to prepare it?

    This is good.

    Getting high is legal.
  10. Okay found a good supplier but never tried them but they sound good

    Your gunna have to come up with some money but at least it's legal.

    The faggets have polluted most of the ginseng market and if you eat there garbage you get a severe rash.
  11. Dude just do herbs not weed, it doesn't do anything and in large amounts results in bad trips or some shit.

    Ginseng is good. But there is a war going on and the faggets keep making poisonous ginseng. Then They add preservatives for that extra kick in the nuts.

    I'll find the place where organic wild ginseng or wild cultivated ginseng is sold.

    Then I'll link you here.

    It helps to be on a vegetarian diet for a few days and to cook the ginseng untill black(as per the ancient medical text book dongguiboum)
  12. Are you guys even listenging....CABBAGE!
  13. Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina organic ?

    theres no such thing as purely "organic" foods.

    the moment they were harvested with the asssistance of fossil-fuel-powered farm machinery and had burnt and unburnt hydrocarbon particles deposited unto them,

    assuming they were planted with nothing more than the muscle power of man and beasts in a no-fly, chemtrial-free zone inthe first place,

    is the moment they cease to be organic food and became "organic" food.

    organic food is nothing but a scam to scam the shit out of zommers, boomers, millenials and gen-X'ers and everyone else in between who doesnt know how farming, or a dicktionary, or both, work.

    unless you bought it from an amish in an amish farm, THERES NOTHING 'ORGANIC' about your "organic" food.

    its just a scam.

    i mean, have you ever discover a live worm living and eating away in your allegedly "organic" cabbage while you cut it and dice it.

    Okay that organic Amish farm that delivers has fresh carrots in stock!!!!!!

    The martial cults in Asia were all Buddhist and taoist and would eat sulfur rich vegetables to thrive that's why I ate cabbage and garlic.

    But carrots...I vaguely remember them doing something too.
    Face would heat up. Maybe they get you high too.

    Most vegetables expect garlic/onion family and cabbage have no sulfur.

    Meat has tons of sulfur.
    Most do the vegetarian diet all wrong because they didn't grow up in a religion or martial cult that's been doing it for 5,000 years and they get sulfur deficiency.

    Definitely gonna try there carrots though.

    Garlic is so popular maybe I can find someone else selling it whose an organic Amish farm.


  14. Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina organic ?

    theres no such thing as purely "organic" foods.

    the moment they were harvested with the asssistance of fossil-fuel-powered farm machinery and had burnt and unburnt hydrocarbon particles deposited unto them,

    assuming they were planted with nothing more than the muscle power of man and beasts in a no-fly, chemtrial-free zone inthe first place,

    is the moment they cease to be organic food and became "organic" food.

    organic food is nothing but a scam to scam the shit out of zommers, boomers, millenials and gen-X'ers and everyone else in between who doesnt know how farming, or a dicktionary, or both, work.

    unless you bought it from an amish in an amish farm, THERES NOTHING 'ORGANIC' about your "organic" food.

    its just a scam.

    i mean, have you ever discover a live worm living and eating away in your allegedly "organic" cabbage while you cut it and dice it.

    This is an organic Amish farm that delivers, but they are all out of garlic and cabbage.
  15. Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina organic ?

    theres no such thing as purely "organic" foods.

    the moment they were harvested with the asssistance of fossil-fuel-powered farm machinery and had burnt and unburnt hydrocarbon particles deposited unto them,

    assuming they were planted with nothing more than the muscle power of man and beasts in a no-fly, chemtrial-free zone inthe first place,

    is the moment they cease to be organic food and became "organic" food.

    organic food is nothing but a scam to scam the shit out of zommers, boomers, millenials and gen-X'ers and everyone else in between who doesnt know how farming, or a dicktionary, or both, work.

    unless you bought it from an amish in an amish farm, THERES NOTHING 'ORGANIC' about your "organic" food.

    its just a scam.

    i mean, have you ever discover a live worm living and eating away in your allegedly "organic" cabbage while you cut it and dice it.
    Where do I find Amish or mintonite farm?

    I gotta get high again. Besides the weird rashes. It was pretty kick ass high and no comedown...but the bloody rashes...annoying as hell. I stopped getting high cuz of it. The rashes weren't actually bloody I just watched Harry Potter.

    I just did some research and a guy on an organic farm said they really don't use pesticides.

    Just these weird organic weak pesticides that he says don't do jack shit.

    Stuff like garlic spray. And neem oil from the neem plant.

    Surely the organic cabbage from the health food store wouldn't cause these stupid ass rashes.

    Amish farms are gold though, I remember that's where your suppose to get your organic chicken and eggs from because all organic eggs and chicken is a scam. They feed them soy which is poisonous. But if you cook the soy it's edible or some bullshit.

    Chickens are suppose to eat bugs and will actually eat meat like other birds.

    But poisonous soy??!!?

    Yes, I agree poisonous organic chicken and eggs are a scam.

    Is that why raw eggs give me horrible stomach aches?
  16. Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina organic ?

    theres no such thing as purely "organic" foods.

    the moment they were harvested with the asssistance of fossil-fuel-powered farm machinery and had burnt and unburnt hydrocarbon particles deposited unto them,

    assuming they were planted with nothing more than the muscle power of man and beasts in a no-fly, chemtrial-free zone inthe first place,

    is the moment they cease to be organic food and became "organic" food.

    organic food is nothing but a scam to scam the shit out of zommers, boomers, millenials and gen-X'ers and everyone else in between who doesnt know how farming, or a dicktionary, or both, work.

    unless you bought it from an amish in an amish farm, THERES NOTHING 'ORGANIC' about your "organic" food.

    its just a scam.

    i mean, have you ever discover a live worm living and eating away in your allegedly "organic" cabbage while you cut it and dice it.

    so get it from the amish?
  17. Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina thsts the side effect of pesticide ingestion, not detoxificstion properties of the cabbage.

    cabbages have one of the highest concentration of pesticide use and absorbtion. if i get organic cabbage i should be able to do it again?!

    wasn't the only person doing it. see. there talking about it here...
  18. cabbage is 50 cent a POUND, you can get pretty high from a cabbage only diet. but it makes you detox so bad if you eat a lot. i had to use a blow drier to heat up the little itchy rashes i had.

    if you cook the cabbage longer like 24 hours our martial cult uses it to attain immortality but the detox sympotms are rashes you need heat to stop the itching though. toxins leaving the skin.

    black garlic got me high too but with no rashes.

    the old grocery store by my house had no cameras we would get champagne and steaks.

    "had you lived on cabbage you would'nt be obligatd the flatter the powerful"
  19. Originally posted by Mighest I once bought and electric blanket from Walmart, took it out of the box, put and old electric blanket that no longer heated in the box, and returned it. I also use to buy laptops, take the hard drives out, and then return.

    did you sale the harddrive on ebay?

    When you returned the item did you tell them it wasn't working?
  20. Originally posted by Iron Ree time to start making this in industrial amounts

    reminds me of drinking isoproyl

    It's not like drinking isopropyl...
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