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ATT bill the cat

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I meant on shake shack.

    He doesn't know what you meant because his comprehensive abilities are on tier with a sack of shit.
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ He doesn't know what you meant because his comprehensive abilities are on tier with a sack of shit.

    said the sassy little bitch who's entire meaning of its existence consists of getting my attention.

    you've got it put those pretty tonsils to good use...
  3. nigga u gay
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump nigga u gay

    it's not gay if you don't tell me you love me or ask for child support.

  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock that's commendable. I look forward to impregnating you as often as is biologically possible until your uterus explodes.

    Your humor game is weak as fuck, guy. A class of horny perverted middle school kids would boo you out of the room. Every time you post the earth itself cringes in its core. People that are unfortunate enough to know you in real life contemplate suicide on a daily basis for no other reason than to no longer have to interact with you. Your mom regrets giving birth to you. Your dad doesn't mention you to anyone. The bugs on this site are from itself trying to prevent you from posting. Nothing you say is worthwhile. You're not interesting. You're embarrassed of your physical appearance but claim not to be due to some old pics that you never even posted. Your "jokes" are as funny as a door. Your perception is on par with a stuffed animal. You're extremely easy to bait because you're as simple minded as a goldfish. You resort to crusty hookers for sex for obvious reasons. You probably smell like shit. You wear Velcro shoes and you don't have an Adam's apple.
  6. niggers
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ Your humor game is weak as fuck, guy. A class of horny perverted middle school kids would boo you out of the room. Every time you post the earth itself cringes in its core. People that are unfortunate enough to know you in real life contemplate suicide on a daily basis for no other reason than to no longer have to interact with you. Your mom regrets giving birth to you. Your dad doesn't mention you to anyone. The bugs on this site are from itself trying to prevent you from posting. Nothing you say is worthwhile. You're not interesting. You're embarrassed of your physical appearance but claim not to be due to some old pics that you never even posted. Your "jokes" are as funny as a door. Your perception is on par with a stuffed animal. You're extremely easy to bait because you're as simple minded as a goldfish. You resort to crusty hookers for sex for obvious reasons. You probably smell like shit. You wear Velcro shoes and you don't have an Adam's apple.

    yea know how I like it. don't stop now...keep telling me how dirty and unclean I make you feel...

    you missed your calling as a 900-number phonesex operator.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump niggers

  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock yea baby…you know how I like it. don't stop now…keep telling me how dirty and unclean I make you feel…

    you missed your calling as a 900-number phonesex operator.

    That wouldn't make sense of a literal retard sai-- oh, right. Keep trying sweetie some day you'll be a big boy.
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ That wouldn't make sense of a literal retard sai– oh, right. Keep trying sweetie some day you'll be a big boy.

    just shut the fuck up and give in to my advances already.
  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Good boy.
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ Good boy.

    now your just plagiarizing your other suitors
  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock now your just plagiarizing your other suitors

    Good one Bill. You're getting there. Keep trying honey.
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ Good one Bill. You're getting there. Keep trying honey.

    adorable. I hadn't realized we've moved into the state of our relationship where we had pet names for each other.

    I shall call you...rosy tonsils.
  15. zill the zat
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump zill the zat

    I zill plunder zat asshole betwixt your ass cheeks until it can be surgically removed and sold as a squishy hula hoop
  17. infinity has to look up resources off of bing everytime he tries to sound intelligent. it's pretty pathetic.

    Everyone knows you have an IQ lower than 50. Hey, At least you're not average. I mean it has to be boring to have just a 100 IQ .. so you are in fact special.
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 infinity has to look up resources off of bing everytime he tries to sound intelligent. it's pretty pathetic.

    Everyone knows you have an IQ lower than 50. Hey, At least you're not average. I mean it has to be boring to have just a 100 IQ .. so you are in fact special.

    im feeling a bitch of a twinge on my nutsack.

    come scratch it for me

    use your tongue, like my good little bitch
  19. Yo Nig.. Who popped you in your eye?

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby w000aahh i dont even have that picture of me tripping with a black eye on my lappy , i had no idea i was on cnn i would of called them out, talk about being mind controlled like a mother fucker!

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-03-11T04:51:43.959963+00:00
  20. Originally posted by infinityshock im feeling a bitch of a twinge on my nutsack.

    come scratch it for me

    use your tongue, like my good little bitch

    Your woman had to run to my arms cause she said it looks like a shriveled up hacky sack and that grossed her out.. even with the man bush I have on my sack, she loves how it hangs like a real man, and how soft it feels on her chin. But at last, i told her she must return to you.. and embrace you with a loving kiss from the both of our scents.
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