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A great jack off method I found

  1. #41
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]


    The first thing you’ll need to begin your flyer activism, is flyers. If you’re a lazy goy, no worries, they can be purchased & mailed directly to you from the Goyim TV Shop @ 💥

    However, if you want to save money, you’ll need to print your own. How much each flyer is going to cost you is greatly determined by your choice in printers. Within the last years as technology has advanced, a new type of printer has entered the market known as an Ink Tank printer !

    The Epson EcoTank ET-2800 Can be purchased for around 200 $ !
    With an Ink Tank Printer you can expect high quality flyers that match any other printer type on the market.

    With just one set of Ink tubes which usually is included with the printer, you can expect to yield about 7 500 Black & White Flyers ( 15 000 half sheets ) or 6 000 Color Flyers ( 12 000 half sheets ) !

    The cost for a set of refill ink tubes can be purchased online for less than 20 $. In conclusion, Ink Tank Printer‘s are one of the best choice printers for your Flyer Activism.

    Why Distribute Our Flyers ?

    If you live in the USA, our flyers have been fact checked multiple times for accuracy & legality to be distributed. While ' Goyim Defense League ' permits our flyers to be modified or white labeled with your group or organizations logos, leaving the legal disclaimer that the flyer was distributed randomly without malicious intent at the bottom is highly encouraged !

    If you have questions or concerns about distributing flyers, reach out to some of our Home Goy’s on our Telegram Channel @
    🟢 💥
  2. #42
    Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by Meikai Hello NIS!

    I’d say its been 8 or 9 years since the last time I rammed a stick of butter up my ass while jerking off and fingering my asshole. I did it because it felt really good but that’s not the point of this story. I want to tell you of the events proceeding this fateful masturbation.

    I’m sitting there watching The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and around 15 minutes go by and I feel a sticky wetness on my ass cheeks and ballsack. This is when I realized that the butter I had shoved up my asshole had melted and leaked out onto my couch and it had a very distinct putrid stench to it. It had mixed with my shit to create something far worse than shit. It was probably the worst thing I’ve smelt in all my life. It actually smelt many times worse than the time I had stuck a pickle up my asshole and forgot about until the morning after.

    While standing there taking in this wonderfully putrid smell I realize that I cannot be the only one to smell this. So I walked quickly upstairs with my ass cheeks clenched not wanting to spill a drop of my shit butter. I pull out from my sock drawer a heavy woolen sock and unload the contents of my asshole into it. I thought the smell was bad before. I now had the urge to do a barrel roll out my window to escape the horrid odor. I quickly tied the top of the sock and left my house.

    As I walked down the street a brownish-yellow liquid slowly dripped from the bottom of the sock. The neighborhood kids became very curious as to what was going on and as they approached they caught a whiff of the putrid smell emanating from the sock. This is when Joanna, my neighbors 13 year old daughter vomited what looked like a freshly eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwich all over the street. I nearly came in my pants at that moment. I had the sickest hard on. In fact the only thing keeping me from raping Joanna while she lay in a pool of her own vomit was my sock full of shit butter. I knew I had something to do and I was damn sure going to do it. I kept walking.

    I finally made it to my local grocery store. An epic journey it had been. Every asshole in the vicinity could smell the putrid odor but nobody knew where it came from. I can still hear them in my mind. “What the fuck is that smell.” “This smell is so bad I think I am going to kill myself with a hammer” one man said. I even saw a fellow depraved maniac in the corner of my eye. I could tell because he had the same smile that I did. He was laughing with the same glee. I’m sure he’s raped a severely mentally challenged child in his lifetime. I know I have.

    That’s when I saw him. The old nigger who sat in front of shoprite saying hello to every asshole strolling by. I fucking hated this man. I couldn’t tell you why. I just hated him. He could smell my shit butter. I could tell because he was gasping for air. I quickly approached him thinking “this will be the greatest day of my life. Nothing could stop me now.” This is when I felt a sudden burst. I realized later that I had shot a load off in my pants right at that moment.

    I was arms length from the nigger now. I clenched the sock tight with both hands and swung it at the niggers face with all my might. I hit him in the cheek with such force that the brownish-liquid had sprayed out all over his face. He immediately threw up. I sat back laughing as he washed out his eyes with bottled water. He asked “why?” and I responded by dumping the rest of the socks contents on his head. Truly, I did it for the lulz.

    While everybody was distracted I walked into shoprite and quickly shoved as many apples as I could up my ass. It was 4. I left shoprite with the most satisfaction I have ever felt in my life. I remember thinking “wow, I’m such a great person, I get 4 free apples, and I get to go home and jerk off to CP.”

    When I think back on that day, I can always remember how sweet those apples tasted. Nothing sweeter.

    Great writing
  3. #43
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Meikai (I imagine, anyway. I wasn't there. Long before my time.)

    But totse? It survived. Flourished. It couldn't have existed as it did for most of us (at least those of us who were "there, man") without the Eternal September. So with that in mind, it's kind of a poetic justice that the thing that seemingly eroded Jeff's sense of purpose with the site - the thing that ultimately robbed him of his conviction in the ideals that kept totse alive for 20 years and brought him to finally pulling the plug on it - was the Eternal June (I'm coining this phrase, if it hasn't been minted by another already). The Eternal Summer Vacation.

    Jeff closed the forum registrations a lot. Every summer they'd get a "tsunoobie". This was also before my time. Basically, every summer a tidal wave of bored kids, freshly off school and looking to make trouble, would find their way to the site and shit up the forums with their childish retardation. He'd leave regs closed for a while, and only periodically reopen them. Eventually, I think he realized this was unsustainable and that massive periodic influxes of retarded immigrants - even if tightly controlled - had a profoundly detrimental effect on the quality of the community he wished to build. So, like Donald Trump, he built a wall. He closed regs in 2006, and I don't think they ever reopened. But before he did that, at some point in late February if I'm not mistaken (I wanna say 2-23), I joined the forums. During the last, brief period in which they were open, I hit the registration link and it worked. The last "tsunoobie", of a sort. I was there for that one. I was part of it. I got in the very last time Jeff opened registration for the forums.

    Apparently he regretted it. Understandable. In the 3ish short years I visited those forums, I shot to being the user in ~60th place for "most hours clocked on the forum". I was 15-18 at the time. You can safely assume that means nothing I said had any merit or value (not much has changed), because it didn't beyond occasional (and usually accidental) comedic value. The closest I came to saying something that did have value was a thread I made in a transparent attempt to be modded in a newly minted forum. Pathetic.

    I was the cancer that killed totse.

    I killed the thing I loved and respected. It may still be the thing I respect most, out of all the… things… in terms of its ideals. As cringe and Gen X and 'Rage Against the Machine'-tier edgy as the content was, and as retarded as the userbase ended up being (in no small part as a result of my diligent efforts), that ideological core of freedom of speech/data/information/knowledge that seemingly motivated Jeff in the project initially was pure gold. It profoundly shaped my worldview and had an outsized influence on who I became as a person. And that's completely disregarding all the other, more tangible and concrete ways in which the community's existence shaped me as a person. I've… huh, yeah, I guess that's true: I've literally never dated outside this community. It's how I met the guy from whom I scored my first psychedelics. First loves and first psychedelics, all in the same place, and if those aren't good enough to be shorthand for 'profoundly impactful life experiences' I don't know what would qualify.

    I basically don't talk to anyone from back then, really.

    Or maybe they don't talk to me.

    I killed the thing they loved when I killed the thing I loved. I killed the thing that made me, and made us. I'm a monster.

    There's no blood on my hands, there was no massacre, but I'm a monster. I have ash on my hands. My retarded peers and I, by not getting bored with his site and disappearing, unknowingly incited Jeff to burn it all down in the face of our relentless, persistent, profound mental retardation. The Great Library at Alexandria for the kinds of recipes that'd get you put on a watchlist and blow your hands off if you actually followed them as written. The Baghdad House of Wisdom, minus the wisdom, with a whole lot of angst and a moderate helping of knowledge in its place. Gone. Because of us. Because of ME.

    Anyway I literally only made this thread because I thought the Eternal June was a cool concept, and that it was… extensible. Maybe the same thing happened in a lot of places as internet adoption became more ubiquitous. The internet has died in stages, been reborn in cycles. The Eternal September which saw USENET faced with an endless tide of retards as ISPs started getting folks online, and its echo in the Eternal June during which those retards' retarded children started posting en masse all the time (rather than just during summer vacation).

    I'm not sorry about how long this is, and I'm equally not sorry that I spent most of those words on rambling and waxing poetical about my favorite long dead forum.
    I don't care. Read it or don't. It's probably not worth your time. Nothing here is.

    You suck.

  4. #44
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Meikai Hello NIS!

    I’d say its been 8 or 9 years since the last time I rammed a stick of butter up my ass while jerking off and fingering my asshole. I did it because it felt really good but that’s not the point of this story. I want to tell you of the events proceeding this fateful masturbation.

    I’m sitting there watching The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and around 15 minutes go by and I feel a sticky wetness on my ass cheeks and ballsack. This is when I realized that the butter I had shoved up my asshole had melted and leaked out onto my couch and it had a very distinct putrid stench to it. It had mixed with my shit to create something far worse than shit. It was probably the worst thing I’ve smelt in all my life. It actually smelt many times worse than the time I had stuck a pickle up my asshole and forgot about until the morning after.

    While standing there taking in this wonderfully putrid smell I realize that I cannot be the only one to smell this. So I walked quickly upstairs with my ass cheeks clenched not wanting to spill a drop of my shit butter. I pull out from my sock drawer a heavy woolen sock and unload the contents of my asshole into it. I thought the smell was bad before. I now had the urge to do a barrel roll out my window to escape the horrid odor. I quickly tied the top of the sock and left my house.

    As I walked down the street a brownish-yellow liquid slowly dripped from the bottom of the sock. The neighborhood kids became very curious as to what was going on and as they approached they caught a whiff of the putrid smell emanating from the sock. This is when Joanna, my neighbors 13 year old daughter vomited what looked like a freshly eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwich all over the street. I nearly came in my pants at that moment. I had the sickest hard on. In fact the only thing keeping me from raping Joanna while she lay in a pool of her own vomit was my sock full of shit butter. I knew I had something to do and I was damn sure going to do it. I kept walking.

    I finally made it to my local grocery store. An epic journey it had been. Every asshole in the vicinity could smell the putrid odor but nobody knew where it came from. I can still hear them in my mind. “What the fuck is that smell.” “This smell is so bad I think I am going to kill myself with a hammer” one man said. I even saw a fellow depraved maniac in the corner of my eye. I could tell because he had the same smile that I did. He was laughing with the same glee. I’m sure he’s raped a severely mentally challenged child in his lifetime. I know I have.

    That’s when I saw him. The old nigger who sat in front of shoprite saying hello to every asshole strolling by. I fucking hated this man. I couldn’t tell you why. I just hated him. He could smell my shit butter. I could tell because he was gasping for air. I quickly approached him thinking “this will be the greatest day of my life. Nothing could stop me now.” This is when I felt a sudden burst. I realized later that I had shot a load off in my pants right at that moment.

    I was arms length from the nigger now. I clenched the sock tight with both hands and swung it at the niggers face with all my might. I hit him in the cheek with such force that the brownish-liquid had sprayed out all over his face. He immediately threw up. I sat back laughing as he washed out his eyes with bottled water. He asked “why?” and I responded by dumping the rest of the socks contents on his head. Truly, I did it for the lulz.

    While everybody was distracted I walked into shoprite and quickly shoved as many apples as I could up my ass. It was 4. I left shoprite with the most satisfaction I have ever felt in my life. I remember thinking “wow, I’m such a great person, I get 4 free apples, and I get to go home and jerk off to CP.”

    When I think back on that day, I can always remember how sweet those apples tasted. Nothing sweeter.

    Okay but why do you shove things up your butt anyway, you degenerate?!
  5. #45
    Originally posted by Michael Myers Okay but why do you shove things up your butt anyway, you degenerate?!

    That's where the male G spot is. You know how when you take a big firm shit it feels really good at that point where it stretches your asshole just right as it passes through? Yeah that.
  6. #46
    There's nothing better in life than pushing out a shit so large that it makes you involuntarily blow your load in the process
  7. #47
    Wariat is saying he puts his foot in his butthole everytime his tiny penis slips off his heel.
  8. #48
    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy Wariat is saying he puts his foot in his butthole everytime his tiny penis slips off his heel.

    If I could get my foot into my butthole I would quit my job and join a porn company
  9. #49
    Originally posted by Solstice If I could get my foot into my butthole I would quit my job and join a porn company

    I wouldn't brag about something like that
  10. #50
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Solstice That's where the male G spot is. You know how when you take a big firm shit it feels really good at that point where it stretches your asshole just right as it passes through? Yeah that.

    You sure it's not the jedis trying to make you believe that?
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