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Where the fuck am I going to smoke if I live an an apartment?

  1. #1
    I might have to switch to vaping and blowing it out my window. I can't smoke in my apartment because I don't like smelling like weed/tobacco, and I'm not going to pay the smoking fee that is in place in many of the places I've looked at. can I smoke in the parking lot of the apartment complex?
  2. #2

    You're a better tenant than me

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    i recommeend choosing a smokee with a delicate flavor profile thats low-odifferus such as Belle y Howels Purple Anus preferred by 9/10 gamers
  4. #4
    tell the manager of the building you are a real life psychopath that will murder his family but always pay the rent early
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Kingoffrogs I might have to switch to vaping and blowing it out my window. I can't smoke in my apartment because I don't like smelling like weed/tobacco, and I'm not going to pay the smoking fee that is in place in many of the places I've looked at. can I smoke in the parking lot of the apartment complex?
    Maybe just kill yourself
  6. #6
    Instigator Space Nigga
    A smoking fee? Is that a thing the US? I suppose its to do with herb?

    Everything is self contained and too many doors so I just smokenin the living room and then air it out after.
  7. #7
    just vape meth in a meth pipe, zero smoke it's all vapor, NOBODY WILL KNOW. also binge drinking and snorting.

    Can't charge a fee if you huff duster, fuck the government
  8. #8
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Save ur money and buy a house idk
  9. #9
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Every apartment building I've ever been in I could smell someone smoking weed. Nobody cares.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #10
    I got booted from a building from "smoking weed" but tbh it was more drama with the landlord, small town drama BS. I had smoked weed and basically trapped out the entire fucking building and cooked drugs in vacant apartments and had parties in the basement, kids did graffiti on the walls, a drunk native smashed the washer and dryer multiple times to steal the change, people pissed off the balcony, I grew weed on mine

    police were there all the time, fights in the halls

    but I get kicked out for "smoking weed" basically because my ex girlfriend when she was mad at me phoned the landlord after she left and reported me for smoking weed.

    I tried to smoke it outside but that just lead to people coming up and asking me HEY YOU KNOW WHERE TO GET SOME and next thing I know there are drugs going in and out of the place 24/7 and the place is lit up like a christmas tree

    the place I live now nobody cares because the halls are so airy that the smoke is gone quick. If it's stuffy and you live in the middle it might be an issue, I live near the fire escape where its drafty so nobody has ever complained

    neighbors suck. I had NEXT DOOR NEIGHBORS complain before in other places. Life is gay, welcome to the real world kid
  11. #11
    I have had the police show up to a place and literally raid my pad for some reason because the landlord didn't like that I smoked weed. I have no idea why they called the cops on me, I was like wtf I pay you money on time every month and they said I was hosting marijuana parties and doing crime and it wasn't cool like wtf is a marijuana party, there was no party. Everyone in that town smoked weed and now it's legal so who was really the psychotic asshole in that situation.

    I did make an effort to not smoke in that house but the landlord came by a lot and if he smelled it at all he would flip the fuck out like a retard
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