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Roshambo, XXX

  1. #81
    blob6106 Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ I thought it was ten little Indians

    She had to change it for the liberal American market
  2. #82
    Ten little niggers went out to dine; One choked his little self and then there were nine.
    Nine little niggers sat up very late; One overslept himself and then there were eight.
    Eight little niggers travelling in Devon; One said he'd stay there and then there were seven.
    Seven little niggers chopping up sticks; One chopped himself in halves and then there were six.
    Six little niggers playing with a hive; A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.
    Five little niggers going in for law; One got in Chancery and then there were four.
    Four little niggers going out to sea; A red herring swallowed one and then there were three.
    Three little niggers walking in the zoo; A big bear hugged one and then there were two.
    Two little niggers sitting in the sun; One got frizzled up and then there was one.
    One little nigger left all alone; He went out and hanged himself and then there were none.
  3. #83
    Originally posted by blob6106 That actually was Aquino and where they parked the Hearst. Cereal size boxes of John and Jane doe bones mortuary have. Baby John and Jane .. Baal/Molach. Born out of knowledge

    Watch Ted Gunderson on Geraldo with Aquino.. they offed him. I witnessed such boxes
    Both members of Masonic lodges.. Ted didn't like what he heard and Aquino thought he had the Masonic Oath protecting him.

    Cops and Feds are Into Devil Worshipping shit these days. Protecting their creepy left shit

    Dont grt mal started with serial killer AND the masonic shit.
  4. #84
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by blob6106 Man Fuck this place

    go wallow in the filth of the unenlightened, for you deny the flesh of Zod to attain enlightenment

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man God wants everyone to trip on peyote mescaline. That's why peyote is legal and not considered a dangerous drug. Remember to fast a few weeka beforehand ∆
    Originally posted by Ecto the plasm

    I still think ephedra , mormon tea , peyote , opium poppy and coca leaf should all be sold in Kcups

    Kraton Kcups, call em C-cups
  5. #85
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    lil darkie is blessed he beleivese in etheogenesis and says the n word ANKHMAH!!! NIGGGER!!!
  6. #86
    blob6106 Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Dont grt mal started with serial killer AND the masonic shit.

    My point was not all masons are bad. But Ted proved their oath of secrecy is like an NDA with deadly out comes

    Who's mal?
  7. #87
    blob6106 Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood go wallow in the filth of the unenlightened, for you deny the flesh of Zod to attain enlightenment

    Did you hear about the shawman who took payote like drugs to find a group of kids. Think the Andes after a plain crash. 41 days missing, so he drinks this tea,finds them the same day
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #88
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by blob6106 Did you hear about the shawman who took payote like drugs to find a group of kids. Think the Andes after a plain crash. 41 days missing, so he drinks this tea,finds them the same day

  9. #89
    Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Dont grt mal started with serial killer AND the masonic shit.

    I’m healed. I decided I’ll never remember anything anyway so I might as well try to move in. Might as well make a career out of my residual programming.
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