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Posts by Meikai

  1. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    smell ya later, losers

  2. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    the 14 year old probably didn't even exists lets be forreal
  3. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    >guy from uk
    >thinks you should need a license for dogs

  4. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Donald Trump I guess the difference is that jedi settlers are high status exploiters who I want to see suffer, while Slavic grunts are people I feel sorry for.

    I'd laugh my ass off if the kid in the video was some jedi stomping around going on about how he's better than everyone else on earth.

    yeah, russia is an evil shithole of a country that's actively conscripting innocent young men and sending them to their deaths for the revanchist imperial ambitions and pride of putler. he probably didn't want to be there. probably didn't even have a choice, really. that is kinda tragic. i wonder why anyone supports russia and their choice to continue waging war in ukraine when they could just stop the war and go home with the nothing they deserve (and the bodies of their fallen)
  5. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Fawkes I like how you acted all blasé here like you’re above making a 69 joke but it’s literally the reason you stopped at that count

  6. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Michael Myers 6 more posts before you get there again, buddy.

    no fucking way 😤

    this is a SIGN
  7. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    wait is this why i stopped using my HTS account
  8. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    big fan of aloha snackbars personally
  9. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy Honey, will you be a dear and go down to the local stripmall and loot us some toilet paper and plastic wear?

    why is your pfp a cat now
  10. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    it's okay alja! you're a bad person! we all know that already. we're all bad people too. you're among friends here. come out of the evil closet and admit it's kinda funny when ziggers do something stupid and die in a stupid looking way while they're invading neighboring countries, just like it's kinda funny when the jedis do it. you'll feel better. i promise. the hypocrisy, the cognitive dissonance will eat you alive if you don't!
  11. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ner vegas yes, gay language aside, the parts you changed make quite the difference

    similar to the difference between someone reading and talking about the news to someone beating off to the missing persons page

    you. were. laughing. about. a. jedi. getting. gibbed.

    a combatant. an invader. like the dead zigger baby.

    own it.
  12. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ner vegas being armed, illegally holding territory and stealing property outside of their fake state's boundaries makes them combatants

    wait i thought you said the equivalence was false
  13. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    "i can't believe these immoral pieces of shit are sitting there all day tugging themselves off to videos of people in conflicts dying, laughing and gloating all the while about the deaths of young men whose promising futures we'll now never see" says edgy rw OSINT account who does nothing but jerk off to somberly post conflict videos and laugh/gloat about jedis dying
  14. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ner vegas false equivalence is not an argument

    What about the equivalence is false? Simply calling a purported equivalence false is not an argument either.

    Originally posted by ner vegas settlers are combatants

    false equivalence is not an argument
  15. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    it's actually probably more moral to laugh at the dead zigger baby, because he was a combatant. some random israeli dude getting pissy and dying is actually more fucked up!
  16. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ner vegas yeah, it's pretty funny that a Palestinian flag in a field offended him so much he had to go out and kick it, and it kicked back.

    pretty different to beating off all day over videos of (mostly injured) people being picked off.

    it's literally no different joking about the dead zigger baby who froze like a deer in headlights. it's pretty funny that he thought if he stayed still he wouldn't get gibbed by the grenade drone! do you think you're any different from those slava ukraini fags? that you have some innate moral superiority to them? lmao you're not, and you don't.

    your feigned indignation is pathetic. are you two on hrt as well? very effeminate behavior.
  17. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ner vegas it's not so much that, it's like snipers, they're unfair and vulgar in a sense (snipers don't generally get taken alive) but they're effective so they're not going anyway

    i have a sneaking suspicion that if the war in ukraine wraps up before a major international conflict involving superpowers start, they will be added to the geneva suggestions or something. they're not going anywhere until this war is over for sure, but idk. gassing people was effective too. y'know?

    Originally posted by ner vegas it's the gloating and dehumanisation from people who have absolutely nothing to do with the war

    rich coming from you and DJT tbh. not someone who has absolutely nothing to do with the war laughing and gloating as innocent people die. not the heckin dehumanisatiorinos.

    truly disgusting behavior, can't believe someone would say that (about a russian. a jedi getting gibbed in israel is fine to crack jokes about tho. you even thanked it!)
  18. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ner vegas shut up retard

    trigger the zigger is my favorite forum game now
  19. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    (in all seriousness, the drone stuff is a seriously fucked up kind of warfare and it should probably be up there with chemical weapons in terms of "shit you don't do". it's just... unsporting.)
  20. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by ner vegas it's inevitable when these ideological drones spend a lifetime getting told 'racism is bad! never ever be racist!'

    then give them a state-sanctioned list of exceptions

    if that kid didn't wanna get blown up maybe he should have stayed in his own country.

    ziggers gonna zig. if it wasn't a drone it would have been a doorbell tree. smh

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