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Posts by pass the cheese please

  1. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny bazi.

    of the bacha variety.

    Khajiit only sell Skooma. Tell the guards, I will take your life.
  2. Prove me wrong. You can't
  3. Originally posted by CandyRein Y’all want some cocoa?

    Everyone who isn’t a pedo is welcome to a cup ….


    It’s rainy and relaxing let’s just vibe yall ….

    Alas, it is also rainy here, my sweet. This is surely a sign from the Heavens, yes?
  4. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny do you also stock her social media

    Khajiit stock many thing. What do you desire?
  5. Originally posted by CandyRein Oh wth come onnnnn!

    You laugh. I am serious. If you ever decide to leave your man, let me know.
  6. CandyRein, I just wanted you to know publicly that I have been stalking you for months since I found this website and I am completely infatuated with you.
  7. Originally posted by A College Professor Literary my lappy failed a few days ago…. …then it would not turn back on…

    Originally posted by Mighest Have you tried running a live OS like Ubuntu?

  8. The moment you crossed over state lines with the intention to commit a crime.
  9. I am a retard.
  10. I need free food, lodging, hospitality, and blowjobs. Exactly like your offering suggested. Where do I sign up?
  11. Originally posted by Donald Trump Aminatas grow in the woods, psilocybin grows on the grasslands. Just a matter of getting them at the right time.

    Precisely my point. The whole, "bUt yOu'Re iN eUrOpE!" statement is ridiculous.
  12. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Mushrooms are basically defacto legal grey area everywhere lol what a fucking retard

    Not quite, but nice try.
  13. Originally posted by Donald Trump No one cares what's legal or illegal.

    Well it was insinuated that because "she is in Europe", she must have overwhelming access to mushrooms, which implies that they are legal or at the very least, so decriminalized that picking up a bag of mushrooms is as trivial as going to the store to get milk.

    You can literally get mushrooms anywhere. You don't even need to search on the internet or the black market. Just go in the woods.
  14. Originally posted by Kafka Was the dog grey?

    50 Shades of Grey Dog by Kafka.
  15. Originally posted by Kafka I think I had a premonition or something a fleeting thought about killing a dog. Maybe it was something like why haven't I done that yet I hate dogs, but it popped out of nowhere so maybe a premonition.

    You watch beastiality porn specifically with dogs. You're no better than BradleyB. He stabs them in the neck with a knife, you stab your festering axe wound while watching a man stab a dog in the ass with his dick or watching a dog stab it's dick in a woman.
  16. Originally posted by Kafka Yuck this is probably his alt account.

    You're an alt account yourself.
  17. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Threads Started 1

    adding to ignore list


  18. folks? fuys?
  19. Originally posted by Solstice You're in Europe. Eat mushrooms you idiot.

    I believe she claims to be from Ireland. Whether or not she actually lives there currently or not, no one knows. Regardless, psilocybin mushrooms are illegal in Ireland. Also, the vast majority of Eastern and Western Europe also has them marked as illegal for possession, sale, and cultivation.

    Just because you heard on the internet that mushrooms were legal in one or two European countries doesn't mean it's an "across the board", sweeping law.

    Perhaps...just might be the idiot? Or at least, a partner in crime of idiocy with Kafka.
  20. Originally posted by maddie You heard a poof.

    Circuit blew.
    Look at systemboard and see what popped.
    Buy doner laptop, and soldering equipment.
    Swap fried chip.
    Hopefully that's possible if there isn't too much damage.
    Besides that, sounds like a paperweight now.

    We don't even really know what was wrong. Many things he could have done to further troubleshoot, but alas....oy vey!
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