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Posts by maddie

  1. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Tyrant Nerd.

    calling people a nerd is a compliment.
  2. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Elon Musk, Time: Person of the year.

    Now do you have time to talk about my lord and savior Elon Musk?

    also hes my favorite youtuber :)
  3. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood They say it's patched but I do not trust the anarchy community

    java 1.18.1 is the only patched version of minecraft, all other versions are vulnerable.
  4. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready when I was 12 I almost lost my virginity to a 13-year-old but her mom walked in.

    I didn't lose my man-cherry until 14 and it was to my late brothers' girlfriend who was 23.

    I could hell of #metoo on her but I wouldn't she was hella cool and I got high-fives by my other brother and his friend.

    14 was one of the best years in my life. My mom divorced our abusive pops. My mom never kept track of me or discipline me (which wasn't good but I had fun). but I never did the shit kids today do. fucking hell.. kids murdering at 12-13 robbing people. world has changed hardcore.

    kids murdering and robbing at 12-13 has been a thing since the dawn of humans.. even in the 90s in the inner city it was common for kids to commit murders/robberies. Society actually over time has become more civil. 150 years ago a 13 year old would already be out of school, working full time, having children, etc. Not to mention humans in general have become more civil in a gradual rate every century. The only reason people think other wise is because they are naive as children, and are not aware of what is really going on in this world. Social Media/internet also played a huge part in how much humans see other affected parts of the world. but in reality its nothing new, and it still is improving every year.
  5. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Also id like to mention minecraft is less than 1% of the affected devices, as the exploit is able to perform payloads on companies and applications such as: Apple, Google, Apache, Tesla, Ghidra, Solr, Amazon, Cloudflare, PaloAlto, LinkedIn, VMWare, Redis, Steam, just to name a few. They say this could be the worst vulnerability to ever exist, even worse than Shellshock.
  6. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood such fucking bullshit I haven't touched the game in a week because the retards can't even code their java right. I am not a happy customer to say the least

    its actually not the devs of java, but volunteers that created the package log4j, and that is open source. They maintain the project in their spare time, and came out with a patch within 24 hours of the exploit, Minecraft also came out with a patch i believe within 24 hours of the exploit as well (2 days ago) so if your minecraft server is not patched then thats due to the people who run your minecraft server being lazy.
  7. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Tyrant Name one single good thing he has done

    Excuse me, Do you have time to talk about my lord and savior Elon Musk?
  8. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    also if venders have not pushed out the patch yet for their applications, you can easily take out the snippet of code that is vulnerable to this attack as well. i believe log4j 2.15.rc2 is the new patched vesion, and it affects versions 2.0-2.14
  9. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie What's the CVE number Scron?

    CVE-2021-44228 its the log4shell vuln thats been going around. there is already a patch for minecraft, and most other applications running log4j
  10. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    just buy a cheap laptop on craigslist with money, install linux. (if you're really spooky put qubesOS with TailsOS in a VM), go to starbucks. buy a drink, get the wifi password. come back the next day with your linux laptop and stay in your car. use the tool macchanger, download and enjoy.
  11. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Obbe Yes, how much do you spend on electricity per day to make 0.15 per day?

    Just curious.

    im not sure if its possible, but could you possibly use a small solar panel to supply the energy that a raspi would take up mining? i find that the solar panel might not be sufficient enough though.
  12. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie Really it would depend on your proficiency and how fast you generally work, you know that better than i do. So if the script you have in mind takes a couple of hours to write but the baby gains add up over N amount of time it might be worth your while.

    RE/Malware Analysis has cross over with exploit development, if you still enjoy red team becoming proficient in general low level stuff certainly won't be detrimental to any ambitions you might have in that direction.

    With regards to your Linux knowledge, is it advanced compared to other people in a similar field? Or the public at large.

    linux knowledge, id say more advanced compared to people in the same job field (linux sysadmin for 5+ years) but im ready to transition into a more IT security role now. after learning pentesting and red/blue team concepts, i slowly started to realize that my interest kept going back to malware and viruses. I seem to catch onto ASM fairly easily (x86_64 so far, but i want to expand into other asm languages as well soon)
  13. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by cryptographiccontrarian this wont work, coin price is already totally automated to prefabricated patterns and there's quite a few different patterns

    i just made a script last night. worked so far with 2 coins...
  14. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by A College Professor I feel like there would be a lot of people playing games like this ( not that it wouldn't work ). Can you see the old price information on other stonks right after their release to see how this would have played out?

    i believe that you can easily see the price of each coin and follow the rise/fall in value, and to automate it, within the script just grab the price information and throw it in a small database. for example (and may not be the best solution, but in a .xml, .json file) then you can set a certain variable to cache the value per minute/hour/day etc
  15. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny do you also like little girls.

    no, im not a lesbian, nor do i like kids.
  16. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie Back of the envelope calculation says you won't get rich fast, what cyber skills do you have, more generally?. That said: Excellent choice of username and avatar.

    yeah i know its not a get rich fast scheme, hence the "baby" gains, it would just be more of another source of small income. just wasnt sure if it was worth my time writing a script for it. as i really just wanted a semi decent first topic to post about lol.

    what cyber skills do i have? hmm well from me creeping on the threads a bit before this post. i def am not as savvy as you, but i have a bit of knowledge. more so my linux knowledge is pretty advanced compared to most. was into pentesting for a bit, but now transitioning into more of a RE /malware analysis role, but in that field i still have a lot to learn.

    Also thanks for the compliment on my username and avatar!
  17. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Im not sure how many people already do this.. but I had an idea.

    Create a script so whenever a new coin is added to Binance (or another exchange of your liking) you get a notification, then put say $100 on the coin right after it opens to the market, then sell after a 50% gain. I assume majority of, if not almost all new coins get their 50%-100% value increase right away. it shouldn't be too hard to make, but im just not sure if its worth the time or investment.
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