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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I got busy/ concerned with something else at the time I guess I dont know. I used to be on tinychat every day for years but fell out of it I guess last summer

    don't try to make me the king of empty promises ahahahahah thrap thrap
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready i used to believe it was hauntings. makes me sometime wonder if it is in fact VoG tech.

    but it is hauntings to an extent as vog tech used to not be a thing..
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    whats that?
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready i used to believe it was hauntings. makes me sometime wonder if it is in fact VoG tech.

    yeah I feel ya on that, I feel like a lot of people say for example skitz out drugs, people know how to use voice to skull on people on a vulnerable mental wavves. So its like a double whammy

    I even asked the voices if thats what they are using to talk to me, and they wouldnt admit to it, but they would say a lot of other things.
  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Solstice You have no problem taking care of some other dickhead's child, at your expense?

    I've dated plenty of single moms and took care of their children with emotional support and love, never had to pay for their kids not that I was opposed to taking us all out to dinner.

    Hey I guess I'm just that kinda guy
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Data Wut

    This is not what anyone says. You can gather without a mask once fully vaccinated. Those are the official recommendations everywhere

    I don't think you know what "everywhere" means..
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Donald Trump OP probably calls hookers the day after to ask for a refund.

  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by cigreting no meaning yes

    No.. I think you're just jelly that you weren't able to walk around with a sexy ass naked and with a long swangin' piece like because you have no swagger like me, vegetable lasagna
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Was the woman's voice kind of like a man's voice?

    no, the women voices I have always have sounded like a woman.

    the black guy is still talking to me today, telling me still "PUT YO HANDS IN THE AIR AND TAKE OFF YOUR UNDERWEAR MOTHER FUCKER" Like he is laying down a rhyme.

    But the thing is about these voices is they sound like they are far away but still convincing enough to think theres a possibility they are real
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by blaster master did you do some tek?

  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready lolwut?

  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I have having a rough day because I hear voice, in fact I am right now, but yesterday they were really bothering me basically all day to the point where it was really bad, I was doing some really bizarre stuff. I was like fuck this because the stuff I was being told was really evil.

    I was like fuck this I need a brew and went to the store and saw my neighbor and ent up hanging with him and told him what was going on and he said its all good man, I understand what you're going through and we talked about it for awhile and watched a documentry and he wanted to go by cigs but I refused to get in his car and said man lets just walk, its techinically larceny if I get in your car with the circumstances and I was like the voices are telling me I'm in trouble and need to put my arms in the air take off my shoes but I don't want to but you just go to walgreens and we'll chill when you get back and maybe this will all be solved. He comes back like 15 minutes later and I have my pants off just in boxer briefs and my tank top. And he was like what the fuck you have got to be fucking with me now, this isn't fucking funny. And I said "Hey lady shut up" and he said "Don't call me a lady" and I said I wasn't talking to you I was talking to this lady that wont shut up so I can hear you"

    he fucking instantly got mad and slugged me really hard in the arm.. i mean it didn't hurt, I'm sore today and I was like back the fuck off don't touch me again and he started walking away almost with like tears in his eyes and turned around and through a budweiser at me that I refused to drink because its open container, despite me drinking in public all the time. I dodged it pretty well.

    But anyways he walked off looking like he was about to cry and I felt bad but I'm in some kind of trouble and the voice told me to now take off the shirt, and take off the underwear. And I was like dawg.. I can't do that, thats illegal.. and 45th is a busy street even this late at night.. and he said well then we're going to come shoot you, we can see you but you can't see us..

    and so I did it, standing skinny butt naked with my hands in the air.. and I saw two coppers in svus' and they didn't even see me because I was trying to be modest by standing behind a car away from the street but I turned at the waist and wavved my hands and turned back.. just stand there with two coppers and there head lights on my ass with my hands in the air.

    One of the coppers was hott af.. the other was just a fag. And they were like whats going on here... and I told them I hear voices and have had a rough day and was told to do this or ill be shot for being crazy.

    And explaining it ass naked. And she eventually was like sir you can put your clothes on.. and I said If I do.. you promise not to kill me.. and I had to explain to them that I have bipolar and hear voices but I'm cool now so thanks fuys..

    and she was like weeeeeel its fine, you're not in trouble for this but I technically have to take you to the hospital.. you have options you can go voluntarily.. or I can take you in cuffs. so I went with out the cuffs.

    All I did was go to sleep and the doctor woke me up to interview me and I was completely normal but he have some questions about the nudity in public part.. but he was like youre cool you can go and they gave me a voucher for a taxi home
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Are you trolling me or do u actually believe that? Bush Sr was Old af. already in a wheelchair

    who gives a fuck if he was old already, so if you go around ass fucking children and roofying gay guys at bars and rape them and kill but now that you're an old man.. no ones going to care?

    old people go down all the time for past crimes.

    An aushawitz camp gaurd is old as fuck and being prosecuted for his role in the holocaust even though he was just doing his job, when will the jedis ever get over it? They're even worse than black people
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready He was asked about being friends with Michelle Obama and george said because of protocol and standing next to her during funerals that she is the only one who laughs at his Funeral Jokes he tells.

    Like the 5 Texas police they were laughing and him dancing to?

    I didnt see him cracking jokes at Poppys Funeral (his Father)

    well it is a funeral so people tend to not be cracking so many jokes.. but he did crack jokes about his dad at his funeral.. and who cares fuck george bush

    he used to be regarded as the worst president but now he's made into a celebrity funny goofy old sweetie man..

    and yes it is protocol.. or just being in the same club because their rich and powerful
  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    and also he could of potentially of cared because in a lot of domestic abuse cases for probation you agree to not harass the victim in anyway even cyberly and technically calling someone a fat dyke is a "homophobic slur" and thus "sexual harassment" because it refers to someones sexuality in a negative context

    when my ex gf erica murica left me I called up chzbgrz after not talking for 2 years because she was being a cunt. just to see how she was cuz i was lonely and she called my probation officer saying I called twice in a week and he was like "so?" don't see how thats harassment... im pretty sure you've called him before..
  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Worf, son of Mogh Because you didn't break the law by shitposting. Why would he care?

    I've mentioned drinking on here and other things... and he might want to ramp up drug and alcohol testing which I don't enjoy and they get paid for, a lot probation officers are like that but he really wasn't

    but did ask me about it, saying he doesn't care but that I might piss off one of the idiots on this site, which I've done many times. ahhahahhahah thrap thrap
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready they do it all the time with social media to see if people are obeying. but how did Kr0z Probation officer find him? maybe his PI was on this site.

    my probation officer doesn't care to stalk people online
    chzboogerz met up with me after not seeing her for 2 years and she left me at the movies and when i got home I wrote hows she's became a fat dyke and she got pissed and emailed a bunch of my post to him.

    He didn't care though

    and by the way you ask really stupid questions.. if you know how my po found me on here.. then you would know it was chzboogerz. like everytime i mention my po found this site I say it was due to her sending him the site.. duhhh..
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Kev ^ hear this faggot talk

    i eat my tranny boyfriends asshole and suck his dick, im not gay UR GHEY

    ur on a roll of being a hater tonght because you've been exposed as being a weak ho, tuffin up buttercup or we'll jam you up, bitch
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Oh.. if you guys want to hear, I have several stories where I was acosted and "inspected" in a very sexual way. I'm getting a woody just thinking about it.
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    LMAO ITT: candyrein rolled spenny's jelly
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