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Kindness Thread

  1. Lodger Free African Astronaut
    What's with the SINE style gaslighting of posting. Everyone has been so civilized all of a sudden. Fuck this strat shit

    The rules have switched up ?
  2. Bradley Black Hole
    black lives matter created my handful of looters
  3. Instigator Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Teplo_Dom_fen Переутомились простужаться зимой и переплатить за отопление?
    Обтепление фасада – решение проблемы!
    Компания "Тепло и уют" с 2010 года предлагает компетентные услуги по термоизоляции фасадов зданий любой сложности. За это время мы зарекомендовали себя как верный и ответственный партнер, о чем свидетельствуют многочисленные отзывы наших клиентов.
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  4. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Seo-Ul-Nom Мы эксперты профессиональных SEO-оптимизаторов, специализирующихся на увеличении трафика и повышении рейтинга вашего сайта в поисковых системах.
    Наша команда постигли успехи в своей области и хотим поделиться с вами нашим опытом и навыками.
    Какие преимущества вы получите:
    • <a href=>продвижение сайта заказать раскрутку</a>
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    • Систематический мониторинг и анализ результатов с целью улучшения вашего онлайн-присутствия.
    Подробнее <a href=></a>
    Наши клиенты уже видят результаты: увеличение посещаемости, улучшение позиций в поисковых запросах и, конечно же, рост своего бизнеса. Мы можем предоставить вам бесплатную консультацию, для того чтобы обсудить ваши требования и разработать стратегию продвижения, соответствующую вашим целям и финансовым возможностям.
    Не упустите возможность увеличить прибыль вашего бизнеса в онлайн-мире. Обратитесь к нам немедленно.

    трахни твою мать
  5. Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I dont know man I wouldn't say I'm overwhelmed by it on here because I regard most people on here as total dumbasses. But irl I can't stand people who act like assholes to me for no reason, Sometimes I've deserved it but sometimes theres really cliquish people who try to gang up on you to make themselves look better or to cover up their short comings, its really disgusting behavior.

    But you're cool in my book opie, I initially didn't like you and probably acted like a dick to you but thats because for reason I thouhgt you §m£ÂgØLs new alt and §m£ÂgØL is a huuuuuuuuge faggot. Kinda like the same thing with candyrein because at first I honestly thought she wasn't a real person but she seems pretty chill and light hearted.

    But yeah this could be a thread, I actually have made a similar thread like this a few times but it just got shit on. Theres a lot of goons on here but theres also some chill people i've gotten to know over the years.

    But yeah all my lyfe I've always had people try to backstab me, talk behind my back, try to tear me down just because I'm a non-conformist and I'm not a non-conformist just for the sake of doing it, its just how I was born

    Miss you dearly, kroz.
  6. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I quit my job this morning, went in super drunk and fucked off and ent up leaving. Met up with this gutter punk slut at the bus stop and we smoked some bud. She's pretty hott but kinda smelled bad. We walked around the neighborhood and I walked her to where she lives under an underpass with her old man "literally an old man" and the old man was kinda frothy and started calling her a bitch and what not whatever.. I wouldn't want to live with that dude. Basically trolled the guy until he told us to both leave. I stayed up all night and decided to go to mitt romneys plasma center in my hood because I really need money until I start my new job monday. I stuck out like a sore thumb because I was the only person there that wasn't black / a cholo and I was wearing short shorts instead fubu or pink sweat pants that says "PORK" on the rear.

    I hate needles despite using them a lot but they use really big needles and its in you for like 40 minutes.. They interviewed me and asked me a bunch of weird questions like if I have sex men and if I've ever accepted money or drugs in exchange for sex and the lady that was interviewing me had to document my tattoos and she asked what one of them was and I said a triangle and she asked me how to spell triangle… and then she asked me about another tattoo and I told her its an ape.. and she asked me how do you spell ape..

    kinda gross. But anyways they gave me a physical, I was luckily wearing my calvin klien micro fiber briefs that show off my sweet ass and package because the doctor was fucking hott as fuck and called me sweety. I was really blushing the entire time but she was going over my medical records and mentioned how I have prostitis. (I have an enlarged prostate and it gives me problems for the last few years) and that she will have to do a prostate exam. I faked a false outrage, I was like "ahhhh man, are you really serious?!.."
    And she was like Mr. Monks its important that you specifically get one at least every 9 months so we will know if its something more insidious. (I have to go to austin urology and have seen several doctors because it is a legit problem) But sure I was faking an outrage but in my head I was like "YES YES YES YES FUCK YES!!"

    She went to go get Bacteriostatic lubercating jelly and she came back in and told me to pull down my underwear, at this point I was to lose it really hard. she was fucking hott. I always come across sexy nurses, doctors, and detectives.. why? And I was thinking to myself holy shit this about to happen. And she said I promise I'll be quick sweety and I said under my breath, "my body is ready.." and she said "excuse me?" and I said "do whut?" and then I said "oh nothing"

    She throttled me real well.. I'm pretty sure I made a jeeeeert sound somewhere in the entire thing, I was exhausted and even broke a sweat, she told me she thinks I'm fine but its definitely enlarged. It felt so fucking good I completely ignored the faggot med student that was there smiling watching.

    Anyways they I gave my plasma which helps save lives, And they confirmed that I don't have hiv, the syph or anything else so they gave me 60 bucks and when I was leaving I got to spin a wheel like on the game shows and I got an extra 10 bucks (lol what kinda crack head shit is this?)

    But yeah after that I went to burger tx for a burger and above burger tx is barflys my favorite place to drink and had a few shots and I talked to my favorite drummer, the gont from ringo deathstarr. But yeah I haven't had any attention from a woman in about three weeks but this doctor rocked my world and my booty. I would do it again I had an instant crush on her. It felt so fucking good, the only thing that could of made it better is if I crammed tek up my asshole before going in, but I didn't know I was gonna have a prostate exam…

  7. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Ghost

    Thats on par for pathetic with wariats digital diarrhea
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