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Posts by jonathan_davis_on_tweak_its_1994

  1. yea, if someone has strong political opinions i am not their friend gemnerally
  2. no idea what the hell shes talking about tbh
  3. bro i highly doubt it
  4. i met this guy irl (weird because these days i meet all my friends almost exclusively online) yet he is an online rc degen of the highest order, like me. the other day we went to pick up some shit from some dudes house and there were a couple people over so we were in there just shooting the shit for a couple hours and he was telling me about his new phone. it looks nice and it has like two screens which *i guess* is kind of cool but the thing is huge and he's telling me about all this crazy shit it can do like you can basically run a desktop computer off of it. he was comparing phone features with this other guy for like half an hour and the whole time im sitting there thinking the only thing i want out of a phone is to be able to text, google shit, and for it to make as little disturbance as possible so that i don't have to feel it in my pocket. he was driving his moms like really expensive new mercedes benz and showing me all these little features and im just like thinking it makes me a little uncomfortable for some reason, i just want a car that will drive and won't break down without warning. he likes huge bulky mechanical keyboards but i prefer slim. like i just dont understand why you'd prefer big and bulky things with a shitload of options when you could have something smaller and less bothersome. i dont want to waste my time pressing a bunch of goddamn buttons i just want to text someone. if i want to do something complicated ill elaborately troll people online, or wreck some normies at DeFi,
  5. idk but i'm pretty sure i did that once, there goes my presidency
  6. i'll give you 10k to smuggle a bunch of meth and heroin in your stomach on a flight to new york

    *is actually just 500 mg straight fentanyl in a balloon with holes poked in it*
  7. Originally posted by aldra


    why even bother deploying the police then

    because police stop the immediate threat and the whole city from burning, and catch headlines and people's attention. and because if they catch anyone with drugs they get to steal their money and shit. most of these kids are confused college kids just vying for acceptance, charging them with crimes and sending them to prison all but ensures they will never end up being a contribution to society and will have a grudge against the state their whole life and may someday make actual trouble.

    these people are the ones who aren't able to produce anything of value. people like you who can make computers do shit produce things that are sold and used en masse to these retards. they're a segment of the population that will never be higher than you and their pathetic consumerist existence will pay your salary.
  8. you actually can pretty effectively sharpen one out like that lol
  9. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood When your options are buying food, clean needles or more drugs PICK ONE AND ONLY ONE

    drugs, i know they say not to reuse needles but it really is not a big deal if you bleach them out and if they're not already fucked up from poking yourself 50 times. once you can do it proficiently though and actually hit the first or second time the damage incurred is only a small fraction. you can steal bleach and food from the store and it's a lot safer than stealing from your plug.
  10. that's never happened to me or occurred that it could happen, one more reason to not shoot up i guess. there were a couple times the needle bent under pressure a bit though, although i'm not sure how far it was from breaking. if i was on meth though (and if i have been shooting, i am), i'd probably dig it out with a pair of pliers and knife and whatever else i could find laying around. and if that didn't work i'd probably get insanely anxious, tear apart the skin where the needle was, and end up going to the hospital then i'd have to lay there for 2 days while they keep trying to trick me into saying that i want to go to rehab or am going to hurt or kill myself or someone else so they can ruin 3 more days for me.
  11. there's something that happens to a lot of people when they get older that can start probably anywhere from like 16-death where you just stop accepting new ideas, art, thoughts, anything and develop a bias that you see the world through that is based on some narrative that simplifies the world in a way that makes sense to you. once this happens it removes your ability to talk about anything relevant because you really just aren't able to because you're denying reality and trying to replace it with some other version of reality that isn't true. it hasn't happened to me yet and i fear the day that it does. but it seems to have happened to the majority of americans sometime in the last 10 years, including most of this site, and it's sad to see.

    like, why, OP, could you possibly care that mens fitness puts a fat dude on the cover? you'll cowards are really so terrified of of some bratty lazy college kids just trying to be edgy. why? are you not familiar with the protocol of how the world works? i can tell you right now that them putting that douche on the cover is going to do absolutely nothing to make him more attractive nor improve the health risks he is incurring by being overweight. and being afraid of these idiots who can shit out a lot of \ big words that support a stupid know these people can't work, right? they might have jobs now at jezebel or whatever but that's more of a fad and it's only a very small portion of them.

    the rest are the type of heroin addicts who are so irresponsible that looking 6-12 hours into the future is totally incomprehensible to them. you think these pussies are going to change the world? its better to just let them have their shitty 15 minutes til the dumb fad is over and not complain about it and give them legitimacy. at the end of 15 minutes, they will be jobless and disenfranchised and you will have a leg up. instead you extend it as long as possible by getting mad and talking about it.

    i remember doing that too, when i was 21-22. then i just accepted some people are retarded and since then i've had a lot of other problems/anxieties/things to learn/experiences to have. it's mind boggling to me that some of you give up so young and never progress past trying to frame the world in a way that makes it so that the first person you met you disagreed with is wrong. just in the past 3 years i've done a shitload of drugs and ruined almost every aspect of my life, and i've experienced a lot of new things in that timeframe. idk man it literally makes me want to cry for you because that seems so fucking boring and depressing. i mean my life is so fucked up i literally passed out in a restaurant last night while i was eating my pizza and they thought i was on heroin so they let me sleep for an hour and thankfully didn't call the cops but were just like hey dude please be more careful.

  14. i forgot what i was going to write in this goddamn thing gadammit STANDBY6
  15. all i remember ie pizza, streetfighter, and baseball
  16. 2013. 2014/2015 2016 started to get weeeeeiiiiird and shit started falling apart more rapidly around there.
    but its 2020 and the state of the world is an absolute shitstorm and probably some really weird crazy shit is about to go down.
  17. Originally posted by gadzooks You're just not doing the right drugs.

    The impulse to have sex is stronger.

    The actual experience, though, it can go to either one.

    maybe til you fuck around with one 2 many needles
  18. like your dick becomes that ever moving downwards pull of guitar hero when you finish rockin the audi then you look away and youre like OH FUVCK MAN IDFDINT KNOW I TOOK SDHROOMA

    then you realize it's just your brain resactinmg to be a rocvkstar
  19. like your dick becomes that ever moving downwards pull of guitar hero when you finish rockin the audi then you look away and youre like OH FUVCK MAN IDFDINT KNOW I TOOK SDHROOMA

    then you realize it's just your brain resactinmg to be a rocvkstar
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