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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by CandyRein You’re both niggers lol

  2. Does anyone else remember that Nigeria vs Germany soccer match

    NIG - GER
  3. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    Mexicans dont get mad. We get enojado
  4. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    Yeah sure they do…we believe you, Juan…now tell your family to get back to work, those fucking Tamales are not going to pick themselves off the Tamale bushes…

    Its TAMAL you uneducated fuck.

    Buts its fine. Opt out of the conversation. You know you're wrong and I win. Like always

    Mexican master race for life!

  5. Originally posted by mmQ Pink ?

    Medium rare steak
  6. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson
    Are your family in Mexico in league with the cartels? and do you believe everything they tell you simply because they live in Mexico?

    Living in Hollywood doesn't make you a expert on film making…

    They live around cartels everyday. I have family who was involved and got killed by cartel. They didn't hunt his wife or kids down. You just watch Fox news and Breaking Bad and think you know everything lol. Come to my bario esse, see how long you last.

    Or better yet. Go back to England ya royal dick sucker
  7. Originally posted by mashlehash It's my Chest

    It's mine and I own it.

    Nigga, that, it's my own
    (it's mine)and I me we ,
    we own it
    we own your chest

    Pectus Brothers 4 lyfe
  8. Originally posted by mmQ This is me humbly admitting you are correct. I have poor athletic abilities. Of course you didnt die in the scenario. The other person did. I am sorry.

    Apology accepted. Please die?
  9. Originally posted by Technologist I cannot believe how unreliable and erratic my government officials are. This is sickening. You can’t trust anything America is gonna do next. God I pray we can get our country back into some kind of a credible stance.

    “Yeah we’re gonna withdraw from Iraq.” “Uhhh we were wrong, we’re not leaving, that was an oopsie!”

    How fucking dumb is that?

    No one from the top on down know WTF is going on.

    I’m sickened my my countries leaders.

    Any functioning adult 2020
  10. Originally posted by mmQ If you're dead you arent gonna call anyone anything.

    What is athletic abilities
  11. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country No one seriously believes that any two groups of people are equal, much less the same. They just say they do.

    I don't even see color honestly. Last year when I got mugged and the cops were trying to get me to identify him, I couldn't.

    I also don't see gender, shapes, movement, and depth. Did I mention im blind?
  12. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Who told you that, the local cartel spokesperson? The beheaded families can't really dispute it..they are dead.

    My family, who lives in Mexico.

    Who told you what you believe? The media?

  13. Originally posted by Technologist Yeah but they’re saying they’ve lost 1/2 billion animals in these fires🥺

    A necessary loss for the destruction of the koala species.
  14. When I heard Australia was having tons of wildfires i was estatic to learn the koalas were being displaced.
  15. Originally posted by cigreting Are we still primitive? People have evolved since then. See those things people get into and take them places, they are called cars. Have you also seen those things that look like big boxes with a triangle on top that people go into, yeah those are houses. There is no need to fucking scream when everyone knows shit is getting real

  16. this is a male trying to rape a female, btw
  17. Originally posted by mmQ I will save a few of them to keep reproducing.

    Thank you, Rebekka.

    just make sure they don't get the clap because if they do it cause pnuemonia and blindness due to their shitty fucking immune system. And you better have a garden of LIVE eucalyptus too otherwise they will be too stupid to fucking eat it. Even a mouse will eat food in a bowl but koalas are so fucking dumb.

    You know how a lot of animals know when you're trying to help it? A sea turtle will sit still as you take plastic rings off it. A deer will let you move its antlers unstuck and gtfo out the way. A dog sits when you're taking it off the leash.

    Koalas don't do that. They will claw your shit the fuck up. And they sound like this when they do it:

  18. cmon guys step it up, the fag is posting better shit than u
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