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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by komokazi They make 'em. You can get handle bar ends with GPS inside, or they also have shit you can stick into the seat tube. There was another option, I can't recall it at this time. They are battery powered + rechargeable. You pull the cap off the bar end (inconspicuous) and you can plug in USB cable.

    And do you have one?
  2. Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country That sounds great, but your immediate goal needs to be becoming fit enough to survive when you get drafted and sent to Iran.

    I weighed myself yesterday, I'm 160lbs. I do plan to lose 5lbs though. Been eating healthier since I stopped binge drinking. For breakfast I had a chickpea/mushroom/pepper/chicken/brown rice thing. Lunch was an apple and some peanuts. Dinner was protein infused spaghetti (which was just ok) with tomato/blackbean/corn sauce thing. Then I had half a cup of ice cream. The only time I eat unhealthy is when I'm drinking really. That extra ~2,000 calories of liquor a day was probably not good.

    Tomorrow I'm going for a hike :)
  3. Originally posted by mmQ I've noticed two trends of yours.

    1. You often use double exclamation points!!

    2. You're dumb

    He's just another one of those retards who doesn't research anything.

    phytoestrogens are mildly anti-estrogenic. It's like calling Narcan an opioid. Yeah, technically it is, but it obviously has VASTLY different effects to something like morphine. It's a non selective opioid antagonist which doesn't have affinity to the opioid receptors, and only acts on them indirectly.

    A lot of people don't understand this difference between agonism, affinity, and effect. Casomorphins for example are both agonists with affinity for the opioid receptors, but they're incredibly fucking weak and mostly have digestive effects.

    So like I said, all estrogen is not the same. Charts like the one MR posted are purposely misleading and fool people who don't understand what they're talking about and haven't actually spent any time reading studies. I have a science degree so fuck all of you. I'm smarter than everyone here except for Technologist.
  4. 1 week review:

    Started 2020 with my own car, which I didn't have last year. I interviewed for a job today that I'll probably get; a job I'll actually enjoy. I haven't been drunk since the 1st. I did have a tallboy this weekend, but that was it. Just 24oz of 5% beer. That's responsible drinking, nigga. I haven't even felt the urge to drink since I got so blisteringly drunk last time and just didn't feel good.

    Been eating disgusting amounts of raw kava but only once a day. Which I think is a reasonable alternative to alcohol. It's been good help and I'll probably keep taking it for a while until I get sick of it, much like I did getting off opiates with Crouton, or vaping with patches.

    Gonna force myself to develop proper drinking habits. On my first payday from this new job I'm going to go down to the local legal marijuana shop and purchase something. Probably edibles or maybe a cartridge. I have not gotten stoned since August or September so it will be nice.

    Cut things off with the last girl I was seeing from my old job. I'm gonna start actually dating again once I start this job. I've been talking to some girls for a while so now I just need to meet up and see if they're worth pursuing IRL.

    All in all I feel more positive than ever about the direction my life is headed in. Thus far in my life I've only had short term goals: "Travel here, do this thing, experience this" but now I feel I'm ready to start working towards a real life.

    It's gonna be a good decade my niggas.
  5. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Cd is still the best medium for physical music.
    Only casuals and drones use streaming or digital files as their method of listening to music.

    Nigga do you even OWN a vinyl? Fuck off with your AOL disc collection.
  6. That looks diseased.
  7. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson lolol don't be jealous because Mexicans can't use the plural of tooth when pointing to their own mouths..

    Uh, yeah we can. Just shows how much Spanish you know. Americans both north and south have the best teeth in the world. But mostly in southern North America
  8. Originally posted by mashlehash Buy hard, sell soft ; boy
    Sell soft, buy medium; sell
    Barter mold, increase wealth

    I missed you brother
  9. Originally posted by CandyRein My jeans are here guys :)

    Would post pic in them but §m£ÂgØL would just get jelli and mad @ how great my butt looks ;)

    I mean my butt is better. You just wont post it because you can't handle it
  10. Originally posted by -SpectraL Have you ever tried wearing those cardboard 3D glasses they used to give out at the movies?

    yeah they make everything black
  11. Originally posted by mashlehash I think it prepares you for conversations

    I don't know why this made me laugh so hard
  12. And by hard I mean my penis
  13. Originally posted by CandyRein Go easy on him Vinn..
    You’re talking about a guy who can’t even speak English here..

    Right, §m£ÂgØL..



    Its hard when you're fluent in 4 going on 5.
  14. Yeah with their piss covered streets and rotten teeth LOL
  15. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson France actually.

    So, the UK
  16. Originally posted by tee hee hee Finishing powder.

    I'm going on a "no buy 2020"; only getting necessities and no more crap I dont need but simply want.

  17. Originally posted by mashlehash no bro in reality that shit dun did happen, i think he gave me the mumps and then someone also logged onto my account

  18. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    look at this spic he thinks hes more competent with chineses than chinamen.

    tell me §m£ÂgØL, how do chineses pronounce obama in chinese.

    You're not Chinese. You've said so already. You're probably from some shithole like Laos
  19. Originally posted by mashlehash hotel hospital induced coma/heartattack

    a retard hit me with a needle.

    Dam wat
  20. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson They get beheaded.

    Nah that doesn't happen. Must be a UK thing.
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