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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by tee hee hee Why not a baby gate that swings open at the bottom of the stairs? U dont even need to latch it close.

    This. It's really all you need. An alarm will just be annoying when you have to bring em back down anyway
  2. This is such an ugly car but that scenery is nice
  3. Originally posted by komokazi No body, no case.

    your fingerprints are gonna be on the window.
  4. I've seen these in America, Mexico, and Taiwan. I think they're common around the world.
  5. holy shit he went airborne lol
  6. Originally posted by Bill Krozby yo casper skin aliment you should try sulphur soap.

    Lol that's such new age bullshit. No proven science.

    I went in a sulfur spring a few times. Didn't do shit but make me smell like eggs
  7. Originally posted by Fuck Your World Uhh.. no dude. they're is a tectonic plate (thrust fault) that created the himalayas mountain range.

    and under it.. right around where Israel is.. part of "The Middle East" is called Asia Minor.

    It's like 50 times larger than where Death Valley region wraps around the bottom of the Sierra mountain range. If California was Europe, Nevada would be Asia and Death Valley south at the bend would be Asia Minor where Israel and Syria would be like Bakersfield.

    There are two major kinds of tectonic plates, the basaltic lithosphere and the granitic lithosphere. The granitic lithosphere are the deeper continental plates, of which there are seven: The Pacific plate, North American plate, the Eurasian plate, the African plate, the South American plate, the Indo-Australian plate, and the Antarctic plate.

    When you see shit like the Indian plate or hear about California being on fault lines, they're talking about the basaltic plates. These have an effect on continental drift (as in the landmass above the water) but not as much as the granitic plates do. You can see in the separation of Pangea that all continents moved along these granitic plates.

    You can obviously see that Europeans didn't like this idea of Eurasia, so they discredited the idea of a Pacific plate and split Asia and Europe into two, forever confusing people between the geologic continents and the political ones.
  8. Originally posted by Bill Krozby Lol

    You'll suck my dick and fucking like it cunt

    stellar grammar
  9. Originally posted by komokazi Man, if I had GPS location of my bike, fuck the police. I'm comin' up through that fucking window and knifing me some niggers.

    Then you'll end up back in prison

    There are no bikes in prison

    but you should know that, being a felon and all.
  10. Originally posted by cigreting ya your blind but can read these posts and post pictures

    I use a text to speech software and my mom helps me post pictures

  11. Originally posted by mmQ Misty Piss Flaps

    Can you imagine if we pissed in a mist

    what would the toilets look like? Just vacuums?
  12. Originally posted by Fox Which Fox are you thinking of. I don’t do opiates. Mostly just drink and the occasional cig. I snorted meth once. Who the fuck are you supposed to be, Vizier?


    you're just a fake

    a fraud
  13. Originally posted by Fox Yes it is. You can tell because I always leave the punctuation off the last sentence of a post

    This is not enough proof. What is your favorite opiate?
  14. Originally posted by mmQ The point is they do it at the same time every day so you know that if you hear it any other time it's the real deal. So that's why if there is a tornado here at 10am on the first Tuesday of a month, we're all fucked.

    Fucking lol.
  15. ya ok
  16. Every 1st Tuesday of the month they go off here, at precisely 10am. Just to test them.

    It absolutely scares the living shit out of anyone visiting. I've only heard them be used for a tornado once in my life and the worst that happened is a trampoline wrapped around a tree outside my school.

    I'm wondering if anyone else has something similar where they live?
  17. is this the real phox
  18. Originally posted by Fuck Your World on the news today.

    some dumbass stole 20 electric scooters with built in GPS and got popped some 100 miles outside of the bay area (SF)

    Yeah but they were city bikes, weren't they? Cities will have the police chase your ass down. But an individual has no chance. You can spoof the whole GPS thing and lie to the police, so they aren't about to get a warrant on information they can't verify.
  19. Everybody in Eurasia is Eurasian. From London to Mumbai to Beijing. Europe and Asia are just political lines that don't mean anything. Eurasia is a geological line. Eventually Africa will stretch out towards Australia, and all the Eurasians will still just be stuck together.
  20. Even with a GPS though, cops usually don't want to do shit. They might knock on the perp's door and ask about it (to which they'll obviously say no, or more likely not even answer) but GPS location isn't valid reason for them to go further than that.
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