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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Again if your parents were AFRICAN but you were born in America, lived in America and was a citizen of America…ethnically you'd still be AFRICAN…Jesus…

    Thats what I've been saying. Its you who said an ethnically chinese person would be ethnically american, and thought i ever mentioned nationality when from the start I mentioned MUTTs. Do mutts have anything to do with nationality? No? Then why did you bring it up you fucking retard. Go back to Africa, nigger.
  2. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Non sequitur, again coming from America doesn't necessarily mean you are ethnically American…

    Yes it does. North American, South American. American. You? You're not American. The US belongs to la raza and other natives of North America.

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson "All humans’ genetic lineage originated in Africa. "

    Incorrect, Africa as it is now didn't exist in the same state back then…and no one was around who could name it "Africa".

    Lol what

    Yeah it did. We migrated out 2 million years ago in the quatenary perioid. The earth looked like this.

    So what nobody called it Africa? Are you this fucking retarded? I guess it wasn't Africa 500 years ago either? America wasn't America till Amerigo? The African plate has always existed since the dawn of our planet. That we call it that now and didnt 2 million years ago is totally irrelevant.

    Its hard talking to you non mexicans sometimes. You're slow to think
  3. Originally posted by aldra Oh, and we can't rule out a certain Greatest Ally trying another USS Liberty, but the way Netenyahu's been distancing himself from this whole affair (even though they've been trying to kill Soleimani for years) makes me think he might have realized he DOESN'T actually want war with Iran

    Hate and vitriol are good for propaganda purposes, but once you start actualizing it people realize more and more that they actually like peace. Israel would not do well if the whole region went to war.

    I mean if the US was closer to the warzone, I'm sure Trump would not be so quick to threaten war.

    Well... He probably would. But any halfway rational president would not.

    He's seriously weakened America's position though. My god.
  4. Originally posted by Netflxchillr

    Because that ^stupid chit is prolly, no doubt, your "favorite" show.

    very true…
    of the "standards" with, usually, a DemoCRAPPY, as President!!


    ^ Wrong-O… Bucko.

    As it states in the EPM MCRCO 1100.1
    The below references are the number of offenses an "enlistee individual" may have and at what level of authority must approve these level of offenses.

    Traffic offenses (TO)
    1-4 offenses no wavier required
    5+ offenses an RS CO approval wavier required

    Non-traffic offense (NTO)
    1 no wavier
    2-4 RS CO approval waiver required
    5-9 MCD CO approval waiver required
    10+ ineligible

    Misconduct (MO)
    1-2 RS CO waiver required
    3-5 MCD CO waiver required
    6+ ineligible

    Major misconduct (MMO)
    1 Regional Commanding General approval required
    2 Recruiting Commanding General approval required
    3+ ineligible

    The "Recruiter" determines whether or not "they" want to run a "wavier process" on an individual & keeping in mind the HIGHER levels of authority require "excessive background investigations" and majority of these conflict with securing an individuals security clearance.

    a Case by case bases will be determined upon 1st approval of the Recruiter, the SNCOIC of the RSS and the appropriate approval authority.

    …yes, CHIT, definitely, has changed–hasn't it?? Mr. BUCKO! 😆😆👍🏻


    Stop that. It makes you look even more retarded than you are.
  5. Originally posted by Fox All humans’ genetic lineage originated in Africa. So actually nobody is Eurasian, we’re all niggers

    While this is true, Mexican people are actually half god.
  6. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson But you said…"If you're from America, you're American. " ..that would be nationality not ethnicity…your parents might be from China but you were born and raised in America.

    No... Eurasians are not ethnically American. Culturally yes. Is their nationality American? Yes. But unless your blood comes from the Americas you are not truly American.

    I am American as well as Eurasian. The master race. Viva la raza.
  7. Originally posted by Lanny bitch I AM an infantry unit

    Fuck you Lanny. I made your Mom so wet, Trump deployed a 24 hour infantry unit to stack sandbags around my bed.
  8. Originally posted by Erekshun Mmm tacos

    Food of the gods. Made by a master race of people
  9. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You'd have 20 more years of tomato picking.

    Wrong again, yellow mouth
  10. Originally posted by Fox You’ve confused nationality with ethnicity

    We are talking about ethnicity, not nationality. Hence the mutt thing. Keep up phaux phox. Africans will always be Africans no matter what. Eurasians will always be Eurasians even if they live in the Americas. Europeans are Eurasian. Asians are Eurasian. If your genetic lineage comes from the continent of Eurasia, you are Eurasian.
  11. Originally posted by mmQ I'm in a silly mood. Here is a clip of me singing the Jurassic Park theme, for whom it may concern. Thank you.

    I was gonna record ukulele over this but its way too early for that shit
  12. Originally posted by Solstice There's a nuclear power plant not far from here so we have a siren for that. One of my old friends had a constant fear of it.

    Lol do they test it monthly?

    You should go there and get super powers
  13. Originally posted by Technologist You cut your hair. Looking good my friend😍

  14. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal The is the region people refer to as Eurasia and then there are Eurasian people who are a mixture of European and Asian.

    The fact that there are so many retards here that don't know this is quite astounding but it's to be expected considering a lot of you are literally retarded.

    No, its just a wanna be chinks like you who don't understand how ethnicity works.

    If you are from Africa, you're African.

    If you're from America, you're American.

    If you're from Eurasia, you're Eurasian.

    Face it. You're a mutt like everyone else.
  15. Merry Christmas
  16. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 hey WETBACK, joining the military means there is more than a slight risk of actual action and possible war.

    what a fucking moron trying to compare driving to the military!!

    Ahahahahahhahahahaahhah dumb bucket head. What were you, infantry?
  17. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 to which the son joined by his own doing against her will. but of course, the stupid dyke blames the president when it was her son who chose to join hahaha

    Like getting in a car crash but not blaming the drunk driver who caused the crash to begin with



    what ever happened to protecting democracy or whatever the actual fuck

    No? Just bomb niggers? Ok.

    Well America is niggers too. Especially people like u. Makes me happy thinking of your friends who died in combat. Its actually great that Republicans are so pro war. Means more of them will die abroad.

    Dont worry. Mexicans will fill your jobs for you
  18. Originally posted by frala Excuse me? I’m just sitting here eating meatballs minding my own business.

    This is hot. I'm going to go masturbate to it for the rest of my life.

    Goodbye everyone
  19. Originally posted by Fuck Your World I sometimes have impulses to strip naked. more and more lately. I have ugly scars on my back from being shot by rock salt when I was 15. twice. 12 gauge

    i can't explain this pain of shame and embarrassment. plus I fell on some barb or razor wire a guy had in his backyard when we were building a treehouse when I was like 13. huge gashes that got infected. there was some large boils that kept coming back with pust.

    I want to run naked in front of something large rolling down a hill and shred my body. My nude fucking body.

    but I will battle that lion first.

    Your brain is scrambled like my breakfast
  20. Originally posted by CASPER it actually does dry out the skin n help with stuff like fungal 8nfecti9ns especially. ive tried it. only thing is it sometimes makes it a little TOO dry. Right now i use coal tar shampoo n soap n that works okay but only if i shampoo n scrub my beard when i shower, and then blow dry it completely. Its a pain in the ass.

    Only stuff on the surface. It's not going to permeate the skin and get to the root of the cause though. The -azole creams will and if that doesn't work, oral fluconazole will knock most shit out. I got a yeast infection once (yes, on my penis) and after months of trying home remedies and getting prescriptions for cream, I bit the bullet and bought some fish pills and it cleared up within 2 or 3 days of taking it, never to return. Shit is god tier.
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