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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by CandyRein No one cares what you posted in the past, when you’re policing now Hector.. :)

    Stfu and post ass you cock whoring slut

  2. Originally posted by CandyRein No one cares what you posted in the past, when you’re policing now Hector.. :)

    Stfu and post ass you cock whoring slut

  3. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I've been published in 3 different fields too for what it's worth, does that make me special?

    Lol no you haven't. Your athletic abilities is too poor for that
  4. Originally posted by Fox No he’s published on amazon self-publish dot com. He sells 3 or 4 copies a month alright buddy. And what have YOU done with your life?

    I sell quite a bit more than that. Makes me more than a lot of traditionally published authors make. I've talked with many. Amazon is the largest book retailer in the world. Book stores are 20th century shit.
  5. Originally posted by -SpectraL Was it December 25th of last year??

    Yes how did u kno
  6. Originally posted by Fox Well also don’t live in nigger central I guess. I live among the whites.

    I do keep a loaded gun within reach when I sleep but that’s because I live alone. Most gun totin ‘Muricans who claim they need guns to defend their house keep them unloaded and locked in a safe because they have kids running around. I doubt the guy burgling your home will stand there and wait for you to remember your wife’s birthday to open the safe, load your gun, and shoot him

    Neither do I. Rich white suburbia here. I'm pretty sure we're the only Mexicans on the block. I went to highschool at one of the best schools in the nation.

    I keep my gun unloaded with a clip nearby. No kids here who will get to it. I've never had to use it thus far. But it pays to be prepared. The cameras, floodlights, and alarm system can only do so much.
  7. the taco predates the European invasion as anthropologists have found evidence that the people living in the lake region of the Valley of Mexico traditionally ate tacos filled with small fish (Avernin Pages 1-5). As this suggests, the content of a taco differs with geographical region, but also, with the time of the day, as there are “early morning tacos, evening tacos and late night tacos.”
  8. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace as do tacos
  9. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No need, you wont need reading or writing skills to mow my lawn.

    I'm a published author so yeah I do need those skills. Good thing I'm really good at it.
  10. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson A taco basically an open Sandwich, which of course was indeed invented by the master race.

    Nope. The tortilla has a long history throughout the Americas, where my fellow Americans- the REAL Americans, domesticated corn from a grass, and the potato from small tubers.

    Tortillas have 12,000 years of history, as do tacos.
  11. Originally posted by CandyRein Finally you post on topic instead of being salty tryna police me lmao

    Ex-fucking-scuse me???

    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace

    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace

    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace
  12. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson dis·pro·por·tion·ate
    adjective: disproportionate

    too large or too small in comparison with something else

    …but then you said "Iran took the measured rational approach"..which isn't "disproportionate"

    English must not be your first language…

    This is not even worth addressing lol.
  13. Originally posted by Netflxchillr Fuqu Chithead… gotta Dumb-it-down for Spics to UNDERSTAND…

    usted comprendes?


    *i thought so!! 😎

    English, Español, or 汉语 please. I dont speak ebonics.
  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The question mark indicates you are unsure…

    Its a rhetorical question. But I wouldn't expect you to pick up on subtlety. I will try to bring my language down to a 2nd grade reading level for you.
  15. Originally posted by CandyRein Like you’re doing now?

    I paid my dues. This isnt a dh thread. This is an ass thread.

  16. Originally posted by Fox I own guns in case of a complete collapse of modern society. Or if I need to kill someone in cold blood. People who own guns for home defense are retarded. Just buy motion activated floodlights, no one robs a house with floodlights

    Yes they do lol.

    People break into houses through the front door, with Ring cameras catching all of it.

    People are very retarded.

    I have floodlights and cameras at my house and last year somebody was walking on my roof at 2am trying to find a chimney. They walked over to our exhaust, realized we dont have one, and left.
  17. Do not fuck up this thread unless you're posting ass.
  18. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    U stupid?
  19. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Umm no…you said "If you're from America, you're American. " regarding ethnicity.

    Yeah... If youre ethnically from America. Miss the whole part about me saying I'm American and you're not, despite us both living here? My people are North American.

    Again, go back to Africa. I hear they teach English there.
  20. Discs are good as a media for storage

    Not for sound quality LMAO

    You're a funny guy with some funny ideas. Makes me and all my musician friends laugh
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