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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Tumeric is an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant

    Pretty good one iirc but you need to eat an unpleasant amount. Not just what's on your food.
  2. The requested page could not be found.

    404 - Page does not exist.

    Fucking lol. Try again boomer.
  3. Originally posted by Fuck Your World turmeric

    stick with the program, Son!

    No. Do you see the part I bolded or do you need glasses?


    Ginger is good for the stomach. It does not make you 'feel good' and you shouldn't get cramps from it.

    What kind of rotten ass ginger are you eating? Do you just eat the raw root or something? Tanins can make you sick you know
  4. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 john hopkins medical and psychiatry institution calls them mentally ill or mentally disturbed.

    Source from the last century perhaps?
  5. If you want homosexuality to be illegal, move to Saudi Arabia. Conservative Muslims and Conservative Americans have a lot in common :)
  6. Originally posted by Fuck Your World No it's not. We're in the 100 thousand year-period of Human Existence according to science.

    the comment about "Even if you believe in the Torah or Old Testament" was even if you're "by the word" religious that even the Bible says there was a massive flood (which there was) that ripped the continents apart.

    What in the actual fuck are you talking about.

    "spans from 2.588 ± 0.005 million years ago to the present."

    Humans have existed for far longer than 100k years. Seriously just kill yourself.
  7. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Another miscalculation on your part then.

  8. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Lol no, not those reptilian naggers.

    Actually they didn't call them reptiles back then they called them oomata
  9. Originally posted by Fuck Your World I heard it is harsh on the stomach. makes you want to puke it up.

    i have a quizy stomach for certain foods. Which is weird. I can eat real spicey ethnic foods like Thai and Mexican but certain spices and roots are pretty harsh. Like ginger. even ginger-ale makes you feel good but then you get cramps from it.

    nigga wat
  10. Originally posted by cigreting u need to get his anal glands expressed u dumbass

    We do

    but on a side note these pictures are fucking golden out of context

  11. Originally posted by Fonaplats Post pics!

    oF hIS AnUs???@?!
  12. Originally posted by Fuck Your World I swear if both Sploo and Justin Mal pop up together in a video laughing at us I will personally fly out to Chicago and adopt Red as my official son, purchase a pot farm in Indiana then get hammered with him and drive to Ohio to hook up with Fona and Cly

    Something I would never do because I know for sure that Mal is at least passed away.

    why didn't whoever call their family ask if it's an open funeral and if some friends could respectfully show up and then scrawn and HTS could fly in to prove it

    I don't like you guys that much
  13. Originally posted by Technologist I made a mistake and put my cactus out too early last year, during the rainy season. It started to turn brown☹️ I brought it in, transplanted it in a bigger pot and new soil, it came back! I’ve had this cactus since it was tiny tiny, now it’s about a foot tall. It’s time to transplant it again.

    damn, nice! What kind was it?

    Some cacti fare a lot better in the rain. I didn't know this till I lived there but Florida has cactus too. And scorpions :o
  14. Originally posted by CASPER You shouldve sucked the moisture from its roots

    i'll suck your root afggogt
  15. AH



  16. This is from when I heard that the thca in weed converts to thc when kept in ethanol for long periods of time. I know people usually decarb before making green dragon and such but from what I understood, it would convert. I was wrong. I waited a year and a half and all I got from this was a stomach ache and shit/piss that smelled like straight up weed. Put a quarter in there.


  18. forgot about this one

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